2022-11-09 14:20:28 1.72MB Qt5.14.2 QThread 多线程
Essential C# 5.0 is a well-organized, no-fluff guide to the latest versions of C# for programmers at all levels of C# experience. Fully updated to reflect new features and programming patterns introduced with C# 5.0 and .NET 4.5, this guide shows you how to write C# code that is simple, powerful, robust, secure, and maintainable. Microsoft MVP Mark Michaelis and C# principal developer Eric Lippert provide comprehensive coverage of the entire language, offering a complete foundation for effective software development. The authors illustrate key constructs with succinct, downloadable code examples. Graphical mind maps at the beginning of each chapter outline the material that is covered and how individual topics interrelate. This edition also includes C# Coding Guidelines that call attention to today's best practices for writing C# code. Separate indexes of C# versions 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 make it easy to find answers specific to whatever version of C# you are using. Throughout, topics intended for beginners and advanced readers are clearly marked. If you're new to C#, this guide will help you start writing significant code quickly. If you're an experienced C# developer, you'll gain insight into today's most complex programming challenges and techniques as you master key C# 5.0 innovations such as async/await pattern. No matter how advanced your skills become, you'll come to rely on this indispensable reference. Coverage includes * Mastering C# data types, operators, control flow, methods, and parameters* Making the most of C# object-oriented constructs, including classes, inheritance, interfaces, and more* Building reliable, effective exception handling into your code* Using generics, delegates, Lambda expressions, and events to reduce code complexity* Learning dynamic programming with reflection and attributes* Querying virtually any type of data using LINQ with Query Expressions* Creating custom collections that operate against business objects* Understanding the Common Language Infrastructure and C# in the context of the .NET 4.5 development platform* Taking advantage of declarative programming, embedded metadata, reflection, and attributes* Thoroughly mastering multithreading and synchronization, including the new async/await paradigm* Discussion of WinRT and programming in C# for Windows 8* Using P/Invoke, pointers, and direct memory manipulation to interoperate with code in other languages* Understanding how C# programs relate to the underlying runtime
2022-10-11 15:05:36 37.58MB C# Essential Multithread Reflection
C++ Multithreading Cookbook C++ Multithreading Cookbook C++ Multithreading Cookbook
2022-05-18 08:57:21 3.1MB C++ Multithread
DMTA(分布式多线程Apriori)是Apriori算法的并行实现,该算法在线程和进程级别利用并行性,以寻求在内核之间执行负载平衡。 使用并行化库OpenMP和MPI以C ++语言实现。 该算法是由AndréCamilo Bolina在拉夫拉斯联邦大学计算机科学系的Marluce Rodrigues Pereira,Ahmed Ali Abdalla Esmin和Denilson Alves Pereira老师的指导下开发的项目所产生的。 该项目的结果已发布在FSMA信息系统杂志上,并可在http://www.fsma.edu.br/si/edicao11/FSMA_SI_2013_1_Principal_1.html中获得。
2022-05-07 22:22:29 5KB 开源软件
2022-03-16 08:15:54 13KB linux c multithread concurrency
C++并行编程实战,英文版,重点讲解C++ 2011里面的thread mutex lock,原子类型等等
2022-02-24 10:57:43 3MB C+ multithread
MFC MultiThread(多线程三个实例)This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your MultiThread11 application.
2021-12-27 20:54:14 2.21MB 多线程 MFC
本程序支持本机多网卡(即多IP),指定IP接收UDP组播数据存储成文件。 而且本程序是多线程并行的工作方式,能保证数据并行接收与存储,从而不会造成数据丢失。 本程序还对UDP组播数据的初始化,接收和结束进行了封装,方便应用开发。 最后说明一下,本程序借鉴ffmpeg的相关代码,完全达到了应用开发级别, 且可以用来理解ffmpeg对UDP数据的处理。
2021-11-06 14:46:31 6KB ffmpeg udpmulticast socket multithread
Programming with POSIX ThreadsDavid R. Butenhof介绍unix下多线程
2021-09-27 14:05:13 1.19MB multithread unix
PB 多线程 控件 Ttimer v1.0 beta Sample for Power Builder 11.5 Power Builder MultiThread control
2021-09-22 23:41:16 417KB PB 多线程控件 Ttimer v1.0