abaqus ef-rve插件,用于生成微观结构
2022-11-07 12:28:34 2.42MB rve nan abaqusrve插件 ABAQUS
This book remains a classic in the of field of dislocation dynamics. This is one of the very few textbooks available that deals with kinetic and dynamics of dislocations in a lucid way. The best thing about the book is its numerous illustrations to put across the concepts. This is extremely helpful in understanding the geometry and interactions these complex beasts, dislocations
2021-09-04 13:31:52 3.74MB Toshio Mura Micromechanics Defects
a finite element model of a representative volume element (an FE-RVE) of a material’s microstructure can be developed to study material systems in a way that is not subject to the assumptions inherent in the analytical approaches used in mean-field homogenization.
2021-07-20 22:02:32 2.43MB abaqus插件 RVE的生成
University of California, SHAOFAN LI细观力学讲义
2021-07-15 20:04:41 5.77MB 细观力学
MICROMECHANICSmicromechanics.zip)集合包括:(1)关于异质材料分析和均质化的讲义(microbook.pdf),以及(2)第二部分中的计算练习附带的源代码(microcode.tar.bz2)。笔记。 每个练习的自述文件中提供了有关使用代码的说明。 可以在文件microcode.tar.bz2中找到更多说明。 MATLAB代码用于可视化,评估分析范围和估计,以及用于生成数字和微粒微观结构。 Fortran代码基于线性和非线性设置中的有限元方法,后者可以进行有限变形并具有损坏。 基本理论在讲义中概述。 -İlkerTemizer助理教授,比尔肯特大学机械工程系06800比尔肯特,土耳其安卡拉
2021-04-29 17:05:08 10.33MB 开源软件