lumerial FDTD 石墨烯graphene太赫兹超材料的模型
2022-03-22 12:18:07 1KB FDTD metamaterials
超材料方面经典著作,相关研究比不可少的参考资料 Metamaterials: Physics and Engineering Explorations by Nader Engheta, Richard W. Ziolkowski 精致pdf,非扫描版
2022-03-07 14:15:50 23.91MB Metamaterials 超材料 Ziolkowski EBG
由于光对金属表面的强烈限制,表面等离激元极化子(SPPs)已在从物理,化学到生物学的各种科学界中得到了广泛利用。 在任何形式的应用中,重要的是自由空间光子可以以可控的方式耦合到SPP。 在这封信中,我们将超表面上的圆极化的界面相位不连续性概念应用于在垂直入射时新型的与极化有关的SPP单向激发的设计。 通过简单地切换入射光的螺旋度,可以在光频率上通过实验证明SPP沿相反方向的选择性单向激发。 这种方法与动态极化调制技术相结合,为通向具有电可重构功能的集成等离激元电路打开了大门。
2021-12-15 15:43:29 512KB metamaterials; metasurface; surface plas
2021-07-05 10:37:11 5.23MB 电磁超材料 Meta-materials
Optical Metamaterials Fundamentals and Applications This book deals with optical metamaterials – artificially structured materials with nanoscale inclusions and strikingly unconventional properties at optical frequencies. These materials can be treated as macroscopically homogeneous media and can exhibit a variety of unusual and exciting responses to light. Man-made materials with subwavelength inclusions have been purposely utilized by artists and craftsmen for centuries, as indicated by a number of glass vessels ranging from the late Roman era to the Renaissance period. However, optical metamaterials have flourished only in the present century thanks to combined advances in nanofabrication, numerical modeling, and characterization tools. In only a few years, the field of optical metamaterials has emerged as one of the most exciting topics in the science of light, with stunning and unexpected outcomes that have repeatedly fascinated researchers, scientists, and even the general public.
2021-06-22 20:02:18 5.67MB Wenshan Cai Vladimir Shalaev
我们数值研究碲介电共振器超材料在红外波长下的电磁性能。 详细研究了周期性碲超材料结构的透射光谱,有效介电常数和磁导率。 结构在磁场Wx方向上的线宽对电谐振和磁共振模式的位置和强度有影响。 通过适当优化设计结构的几何尺寸,所提出的碲超材料结构可以在相同频带中提供电共振模式和高阶磁共振模式。 这将有助于分析和设计红外波长下的低损耗负折射率超材料。
2021-03-02 18:06:22 1.27MB metamaterials; dielectric; resonator
Active control of near-field radiative heat transfer between graphene-covered metamaterials
2021-02-21 19:09:45 1.03MB 研究论文
Cavity-coupled plasmonic structure is demonstrated to be a simple and effective tool to manipulatelight, enhance the biosensing figure of merit, and control the polarization state. In this Letter, we demonstrate the tunability of the chiroptical effect of cavity-coupled chiral structure, i.e., sandw
2021-02-07 16:03:00 739KB
2020-01-03 11:39:33 763KB Nanolithography
2019-12-21 21:07:19 8.07MB 超材料 左手材料 双负材料