WPF编程宝典第4版 英文原版 epub精排版 Pro WPF 4.5 in C-, 4th Edition epub 如果侵权请联系我删除!
2023-02-07 09:11:55 13.2MB WPF
轴承matlab代码热带地区的弧线与大陆的碰撞确定了地球的气候状态 该存储库包含与以下论文相关的数据和代码: FM麦克唐纳(FM),荷兰斯旺森·海塞尔(Swanson-Hysell),宾夕法尼亚州Y.,利西基(Lisiecki)和俄克拉何马州Jagoutz(2019)热带地区的弧大陆碰撞使地球的气候状态达到了科学10.1126 / science.aav5300 代码说明 古地理分析与计算代码 在主存储库文件夹中有一个名为suture_analysis.ipynb的Jupyter笔记本,其中包含利用缝合线编辑和古地理模型进行分析并开发与研究相关的可视化效果的代码。 该笔记本依赖于与本研究一起开发的recon_tools.py函数库,该函数库也位于主存储库文件夹中。 该代码以及笔记本的代码均依赖于pyGPlates模块(),该模块支持使用Python以编程方式访问GPlates软件包的功能。 除了需要在本地安装并添加到Python路径的pyGPlates模块外,计算环境在suture_analysis.yml文件中指定。 LIP_analysis.ipynb也使用pyGPlates和re
2022-05-15 16:26:06 57.15MB 系统开源
Microsoft's Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) provides you with a development framework for building high-quality user experiences for the Windows operating system. It blends together rich content from a wide range of sources and allows you unparalleled access to the processing power of your Windows computer. Pro WPF 4.5 in C# provides a thorough, authoritative guide to how WPF really works. Packed with no-nonsense examples and practical advice you'll learn everything you need to know in order to use WPF in a professional setting. The book begins by building a firm foundation of elementary concepts, using your existing C# skills as a frame of reference, before moving on to discuss advanced concepts and demonstrate them in a hands-on way that emphasizes the time and effort savings that can be gained. What you’ll learn •Understand the fundamentals of WPF programming from XAML to controls and data flow. •Develop realistic application scenarios to see navigation, localization and deployment in action. •Explore the advanced user interface controls that WPF provides. •Learn to manage documents from within WPF: Text layout, printing, and document packaging are all covered. •Use graphics and multimedia to add punch to your applications Who this book is for This book is designed for developers encountering WPF for the first time in their professional lives. A working knowledge of C# and the basic architecture of .NET is helpful to follow the examples easily, but all concepts will be explained from the ground up. Table of Contents 01.Introducing WPF 02.XAML 03.Layout 04.Dependency Properties 05.Routed Events 06.Controls 07.The Application 08.Element Binding 09.Commands 10.Resources 11.Styles and Behaviors 12.Shapes, Brushes, and Transforms 13.Geometries and Drawings 14.Effects and Visuals 15.Animation Basics 16.Advanced Animation 17.Control Templates 18.Custom Elements 19.Data Binding 20.Formatting 21.Bound Data 22.Data Views 23.Lists, Tre
2020-03-04 03:04:11 50.97MB WPF C# 4.5 MacDonald