Linux deploy 32位系统 怎么安装宝塔怎么安装linux系统安装宝塔后搭建网站 怎么在手机上搭建服务器 使用linuxdeploy Linux deploy 在手机上搭建linux系统
2022-11-14 19:03:09 3.23MB linuxdeploy 宝塔 linux 32位linux
2022-03-18 21:14:00 10KB Ubuntu mysql Linuxdeploy 安装包
此软件包中是博文《在Android系统上安装linux发行版》中所用到的所有软件 打包以供大家下载 博文地址:http: blog csdn net leekwen article details 45093093 软件包中APK的列表如下; 1 com arachnoid sshelper apk 这个为启动sshd服务的软件 感觉这个是所有的SSHD服务中做的最好的了 但是存在一个问题 就是手机联网后 DNS没有办法获取到 所以造成ping域名无法解析的问题 ping IP地址不存在问题 2 com speedsoftware rootexplorer apk 这个你懂的 RE管理器 不赘述; 3 eu chainfire supersu apk 这个你也懂的 超级用户管理软件 不赘述; 4 jackpal androidterm apk 这个是Android手机的超级终端或终端模拟器 能进入Android手机内部运行busybox的所有命令; 5 ru meefik linuxdeploy apk 这个就是博客中提到的那个在Android系统上安装linux发行版的软件 向这些软件的作者们致敬 ">此软件包中是博文《在Android系统上安装linux发行版》中所用到的所有软件 打包以供大家下载 博文地址:http: blog csdn net leekwen article details 45093093 软件包中APK的列表如下; 1 com arachnoid sshelper apk 这个为启动sshd服务的软件 感 [更多]
2022-03-13 12:35:23 17.48MB linuxdeploy sshelper
可用于手机安装Linux环境 供无法使用Play商店小伙伴下载
2022-01-30 10:00:50 9.78MB linux LinuxDeploy
This application is open source software for quick and easy installation of the operating system (OS) GNU/Linux on your Android device. The application creates a disk image or a directory on a flash card or uses a partition or RAM, mounts it and installs an OS distribution. Applications of the new system are run in a chroot environment and working together with the Android platform. All changes made on the device are reversible, i.e. the application and components can be removed completely. Installation of a distribution is done by downloading files from official mirrors online over the internet. The application can run better with superuser rights (root). The program supports multi language interface. You can manage the process of installing the OS, and after installation, you can start and stop services of the new system (there is support for running your scripts) through the UI. The installation process is reported as text in the main application window. During the installation, the program will adjust the environment, which includes the base system, SSH server, VNC server and desktop environment. The program interface can also manage SSH and VNC settings. Installing a new operating system takes about 15 minutes. The recommended minimum size of a disk image is 1024 MB (with LXDE), and without a GUI - 512 MB. When you install Linux on the flash card with the FAT32 file system, the image size should not exceed 4095 MB! After the initial setup the password for SSH and VNC generated automatically. The password can be changed through "Properties -> User password" or standard OS tools (passwd, vncpasswd). The app is available for download in Google Play and GitHub.
2021-10-04 19:00:34 9.71MB linuxdeploy android
2021-02-25 17:01:30 5.9MB linux 打包 appimage
linuxdeploy:AppDir创建和维护工具。 具有灵活的插件系统
2021-01-28 16:07:28 83KB cpp appimage linuxdeploy C++C++
官网原版,1.8_211 可用于linuxdeploy 安装在aarch64 位架构的ARM 处理器的手机上的linux 32位。
2020-01-13 03:16:41 72.86MB jdk1.8 arm32 linux 32