2023-02-13 09:31:50 1.08MB stm32 libnfc iar
2022-02-23 11:22:35 1.04MB Libnfc PN532 IC卡破解
2022-02-05 09:07:40 2.22MB NFC
Libnfc.dll 有了这个省着再编译了.
2021-11-29 15:45:38 115KB libnfc.dll
该文档主要介绍 libnfc 的安装,并提供相应的文档资料。
2021-10-22 10:55:19 94.69MB nfc libnfc
linux_libnfc-nci 用于基于NCI的NXP NFC控制器(PN7150,PN7120)Linux NFC堆栈。 可以在上找到有关NXP NFC Controller的信息。 有关堆栈的更多细节。 发布版本 R2.4包括对NFC控制器的动态适应,多个标签支持以及一些错误修复(有关更多详细信息,请参阅)。 R2.2包括对pn5xx_i2c内核驱动程序替代的支持以及一些错误修复(有关更多详细信息,请参阅)。 R2.1包括对PN7150 NFC控制器IC的支持和一些错误修复(有关更多详细信息,请参阅)。 R2.0包括LLCP1.3支持和一些错误修复(有关更多详细信息,请参阅)。 R1.0是Linux libnfc-nci堆栈的第一个正式版本 R2.4的可能问题,已知错误和限制: LLCP1.3支持需要OpenSSL密码术和SSL / TLS工具包(版本1.0.1j或更
2021-10-12 23:30:33 1.46MB C
On this site you will find official information concerning the open source library libnfc for Near Field Communication (NFC) and other projects using this library. Since the RFID/NFC market is spoiled by proprietary hard and software we want to contribute constructively by distributing a free library and free tools which can be used for various RFID and NFC applications. This website mainly focuses itself on researchers and developers willing to work with NFC hardware but without the pain of programming NFC software on a very low level. Libnfc does not require any license fee or non-disclosure agreement to be signed for. We hope to move NFC development to a more open culture where discussions about applications and techniques can be shared among the users.
2021-08-29 10:36:34 461KB libnfc pn532_uart
目前用的比较多的是radiowar的nfcgui,radiowar网站上也说了,就是给nfc-list nfc-mfsetuid nfc-mfclassic 这三个工具写了个gui界面,你也可以使用命令行模式,或者你也可以自己写个gui界面调用这三个程序即可,这些都是操作卡或者读卡数据的工具,国内不同的IC卡读卡器都附带有一些读写卡程序
2021-03-09 20:09:46 2.37MB Libnfc工具
可用于PN532的libnfc,mfoc,mfcuk windows最新编译版
2019-12-21 19:38:39 1.34MB NFC libnfc mfoc mfcuk
2012/03/08 21:18 118,066 libnfc.dll 2012/03/08 21:54 70,057 nfc-anticol.exe 2012/03/08 21:54 67,254 nfc-dep-initiator.exe 2012/03/08 21:54 68,194 nfc-dep-target.exe 2012/03/08 21:54 67,232 nfc-emulate-forum-tag2.exe 2012/03/08 21:18 70,796 nfc-emulate-forum-tag4.exe 2012/03/08 21:54 69,020 nfc-emulate-tag.exe 2012/03/08 21:54 69,897 nfc-emulate-uid.exe 2012/03/08 21:18 69,516 nfc-list.exe 2012/03/08 21:18 76,612 nfc-mfclassic.exe 2012/03/08 21:18 71,388 nfc-mfsetuid.exe 2012/03/08 21:18 57,181 nfc-mfultralight.exe 2012/03/08 21:54 67,521 nfc-poll.exe 2012/03/08 21:18 51,348 nfc-probe.exe 2012/03/08 21:53 70,681 nfc-read-forum-tag3.exe 2012/03/08 21:54 77,314 nfc-relay-picc.exe 2012/03/08 21:54 70,430 nfc-relay.exe D:\NFCTools>nfc-anticol.exe NFC reader: ACS ACR122 0 / ACR122U205 - PN532 v1.4 (0x07) opened Sent bits: 26 (7 bits) Received bits: 04 00 Sent bits: 93 20 Received bits: ae e2 63 6f 40 Sent bits: 93 70 ae e2 63 6f 40 ac 91 Received bits: 08 b6 dd Sent bits: 50 00 57 cd Found tag with UID: aee2636f ATQA: 0004 SAK: 08
2012-03-09 00:00:00 366KB libnfc 1.6 NFCTools ACR122