To understand this text there are some prerequisites. A basic foundation in lithography science is assumed. The SPIE Handbook on Microlithography, Micromachining and Microfabrication. Volume 1: Microlithography l provides a suitable introduction. It is also assumed that the reader has had some introduction to basic statistical concepts and statistical process control. It is my intention that this text be a self-contained tutorial on lithography process control for readers familiar with the prerequisite lithography science and basic statistical process control, although some subjects may involve a higher level of mathematical sophistication than others. The text covers the subject of lithography process control at several levels. Discussions of some very basic elements of statistical process control and lithography science are included, because, when trying to control a lithography process, a number of subtle problems arise that are related to fundamental issues. To most readers, the information presented on the foundations of statistical process control should be familiar. Nevertheless, it is useful to review the foundations of statistical process control, in order to clearly identify those circumstances in which the method may be applied, and where it needs to be applied with particular care. This inclusion of basic topics also allows the text to serve as an introduction to process control for the novice lithography engineer and as a reference for experienced engineers. More advanced topics are also included to varying
2023-03-10 15:46:20 13.09MB litho 光刻 process SPC
matlab代码粒子群算法基于运动的校准 Matlab方法结合运动结构和Levinson方法校准Velodyne相机系统 除了我们自己的方法外,这些脚本还使用以下代码: ICP- 另一个粒子群工具箱- Kabsch算法的实现-
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莱文森·杜宾 借助Levinson-Durbin算法创建语音信号的AR模型。 首先启动脚本发送器。 它将创建三个.bin文件。 量化误差,AR模型系数和最大误差。 接收器对语音信号进行加密时需要使用它。
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Principles of Lithography, 3rd edition, Harry J. Levinson
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Levinson-Durbin算法进行AR模型谱估计,本函数实现用Levinson-Durbin算法求解Yule-Walker方程,用迭代方法求解与谱估计有关的 参量:AR(p)阶模型回归支路的系数向量a_p,预测误差功率var_p
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LPC_for_TTS 基于Levinson-Durbin算法的Python中的梅尔谱图的线性预测系数估计。 基于Levinson-Durbin归纳法来做线性预测系数的估计。 from audio import * import numpy as np from hparams import Hparams as hparams input_wav_file = 'test.wav' sample_rate = 24000 lpc_order = 8 orig_audio , pred_audio , residual , lpcs = lpc_audio ( input_wav_file , lpc_order , hparams ) save_wav ( pred_audio , 'wavs/pred.wav' , hparams ) save_wav ( orig_audio ,
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先产生一段零均值高斯白噪声,再叠加三个正弦信号,用levinson durbin迭代算法求解AR模型参数并估计功率谱
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原创!已测试。输入为自相关系数,输出为LPC预测系数。 levinson-durbin算法的verilog代码。 参数化设计,可灵活配置。 源文件调用的IP为xilinxIP,也可采用自己编写的ip。
2021-05-23 14:43:07 22KB LD Verilog