Delta Lake - The Definitive Guide 基于Delta Lake的湖仓一体的现代数据架构,主要包括常规的基本代码用例,历史审计和时间旅行管理,流批一体等原理讲解和使用代码样例讲解和分析
2023-01-04 14:27:33 11.34MB 数据湖
90671 Alder Lake-S ES 12代CPU 微码.zip
2022-08-31 14:01:02 184KB 微码
90672 Alder Lake-S QS, 12代CPU 微码.zip
2022-08-31 14:01:00 209KB QS微码
使用Python3和OpenCV 3检测并概述湖泊 在本文中,我将介绍一些使用Python3和OpenCV进行基本形状和轮廓检测的方法。 目标 目标是检测最大的水域,并根据Google Maps的屏幕截图来计算半径和近似面积。 本文介绍了一些代码,这些代码在进行屏幕截图后会检测出最大的水域并在边缘周围画一条线: 设置 我将使用Python3和OpenCV3。 有两种安装Python3许多方面,我使用。 我通过运行brew install opencv使用自制软件安装了OpenCV。 要检查是否已安装opencv,请创建detector.py脚本并添加以下内容: import cv2 as cv import numpy as np print ( cv . __version__ ) print ( np . __version__ ) 并使用python3 detector.py运
2022-08-23 16:43:10 1.5MB Python
可用于UnityVR开发,3D游戏开发,高清天空盒子Skybox素材,游戏环境背景素材,无水印。 让你身临其境的天空盒子,各类题材丰富,都是辛苦搜罗所得的高清exr格式,可以直接用于Unity开发,特别是VR游戏的开发。 内景、外景、城市、乡间、日出,夜晚,欧式宫殿,中式园林,应有尽有,可以在我的下载频道选择需要的下载。 注意,由于是高清,所以体积较大(大的可以达到500M),请下载前预留合适的空间。 使用方法: 1-导入Unity后将图片的Shape转换成cube形式, 2-创建空Material,并转换成Cube/skybox形式, 3-将图片拖入新建的SkyboxMaterial, 4-用刚创建的Material代替项目中原本的系统默认Skybox
2022-07-06 20:05:42 224.83MB vr开发 unity skybox 天空盒子
2022-06-20 09:07:52 2.56MB 实时数仓
可用于UnityVR开发,3D游戏开发,高清天空盒子Skybox素材,游戏环境背景素材,无水印。 让你身临其境的天空盒子,各类题材丰富,都是辛苦搜罗所得的高清exr格式,可以直接用于Unity开发,特别是VR游戏的开发。 内景、外景、城市、乡间、日出,夜晚,欧式宫殿,中式园林,应有尽有,可以在我的下载频道选择需要的下载。 注意,由于是高清,所以体积较大(大的可以达到500M),请下载前预留合适的空间。 使用方法: 1-导入Unity后将图片的Shape转换成cube形式, 2-创建空Material,并转换成Cube/skybox形式, 3-将图片拖入新建的SkyboxMaterial, 4-用刚创建的Material代替项目中原本的系统默认Skybox
2022-06-15 16:06:35 250.09MB unity vr skybox 虚拟实境
可用于UnityVR开发,3D游戏开发,高清天空盒子Skybox素材,游戏环境背景素材,无水印。 让你身临其境的天空盒子,各类题材丰富,都是辛苦搜罗所得的高清exr格式,可以直接用于Unity开发,特别是VR游戏的开发。 内景、外景、城市、乡间、日出,夜晚,欧式宫殿,中式园林,应有尽有,可以在我的下载频道选择需要的下载。 注意,由于是高清,所以体积较大(大的可以达到500M),请下载前预留合适的空间。 使用方法: 1-导入Unity后将图片的Shape转换成cube形式, 2-创建空Material,并转换成Cube/skybox形式, 3-将图片拖入新建的SkyboxMaterial, 4-用刚创建的Material代替项目中原本的系统默认Skybox
2022-06-15 16:06:34 260.89MB vr unity skybox 天空盒子
For many people, smartphones have become an extension of themselves. Now running on over 2 billion monthly-active devices, Android is the most common smartphone operating system in use world-wide, with users installing an average of 50 apps each, resulting in over 94 billion apps downloaded from the Play app store in 2017 alone. Ubiquitous and indispensable, smartphones are so advanced and personal that studies have shown people become anxious if they misplace their device, lose connectivity, or run low on battery. In the 10 years since launching in 2008, Android has expanded beyond mobile phones to become a development platform for a wide range of hardware, with 24,000 devices from over 1,300 brands, including everything from tablets to televisions, watches, cars, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Over the same period, there have been 28 platform and SDK releases. These innovations, combined with the size of the ecosystem, provide unparalleled opportunities for developers to create innovative new applications for a global audience of users. Android offers an open platform for mobile application development. Without artificial barriers, Android developers are free to write apps that take full advantage of an incredible range of devices. Using Google Play for distribution, developers can distribute free and paid applications to compatible Android devices globally. This book is a hands-on guide to building Android applications for all Android devices. It’s written based on version 8.1 of the Android SDK, using Android Studio 3.1. Chapter by chapter, it takes you through a series of sample projects, each introducing new features and techniques to get the most out of Android. It covers all the basic functionality to get started, as well as the information for experienced mobile developers to take full advantage of the features of Android, to enhance existing products or create innovative new ones. The Android team releases a new major platform every year, a new version of Android Studio every few months, and incremental changes to Jetpack, such as the support library and Android Architecture Components, many times each year. With such rapid release cycles, there are regular changes, additions, and improvements to the tools, platform APIs, and development libraries you’ll use—and which are described in this book. To minimize the impact of these changes, the Android engineering team works hard to ensure backward compatibility. However, future releases will date some of the information provided in this book, and not all active Android devices will be running the latest platform release. To mitigate this, wherever possible, we have used backward-compatible support libraries, and included details on which platform releases support the functionality described—and which alternatives may exist to provide support for users of devices running earlier platforms. Further, the explanations and examples included will give you the grounding and knowledge needed to write compelling mobile applications using the current SDK, along with the flexibility to quickly adapt to future enhancements.
2022-05-23 17:36:00 18.97MB Reto Meier Ian Lake
Q学习的冰冻湖 Q-Learning算法已在游戏《冰湖》中进行测试。 技术 该项目是通过使用nodejs和electronic的javascript实现的。 这个怎么运作 该游戏与gym.openai 相同 在这个游戏中,特工必须经过抽签才能达到目标“ G”并获得1分的奖励,否则将不给予奖励。 它可以从四个要在环境中执行的动作中进行选择,这些动作是:左移,右移,向上和向下。 字母“ S”是安全的起始位置,字母“ F”是冻结的表面,也很安全。 如果特工发现一个“ H”洞,它将掉落,结束游戏并开始下一个情节。 由于湖的表面被冻结了,特工有机会滑倒并滑到不想去的位置。 结果 通过项目中使用的参数,获得了Q表。 这是最终的Q表,代表了座席在培训阶段所获得的经验。 每一列都是业务代表根据状态可立即获得以及将来获得的奖励(向左,向右,向上和向下)采取该行动的概率。 正如所言。 而且每
2022-05-17 15:28:25 175KB JavaScript