自述文件 项目申报 作者:Nicholas Thibodeaux、Chase Hoselle、Chad Jarreau、Greg Patrick 项目:LSU 校内 版本 1.0 存储库: : 班主任:B.Ullmer 项目规格 原型并实现演示用户界面,以与我们在作业 1 中的考虑一致的方式传达与 LSU 相关的内容。 你的界面应该至少包含两个离散的和两个连续的交互元素; 以及至少两个互补媒体元素(图像、视频、声音等)。 您的界面应该通过 Apple iOS(iPhone、iPod Touch、iPad)或 Android 设备(或模拟器)上的 TouchOSC 驱动的交互进行原型设计和实现; 并在 2x1、2x2、1x2 或 3x2 平铺显示器上显示。 项目:LSU 校内 该存储库将用于 CS4243 接口设计与技术的第二组项目的维护和开发。 我们将(用 Java)开发一个应
2021-06-16 18:05:06 4.62MB Java
The AWS2 signal conditioning unit is used in conjunction with the Robert Bosch LSU broadband lambda sensor to evaluate the sensor signal. The AWS2 signal conditioning unit can be used for the following as an inexpensive alternative to the precision measuring instrument LA4: • evaluating the LSU sensor signal in engine ECUs • continuous measurements to determine sensor accuracy • map optimization. The LSU sensor is fitted in the exhaust system as a measuring sensor (possibly in addition to a lambda sensor which has already been installed). The signal conditioning unit AWS2 is used to determine the pump current of the sensor and the current sensor internal resistance. The signal conditioning unit can be operated with various model ranges of the LSU lambda sensor; different sensor internal resistances must be set on the unit for this purpose. The unit is also designed to facilitate upgrading to ensure that it can be used with all future model ranges.
2021-05-19 12:31:19 903KB LSU ETAS LAMBDA