包含lib3ds-1.2.0 lib3ds-1.3.0 lib3ds-20080909 三个版本
2021-10-13 20:01:48 433KB opengl 图形学
LIB3DS例子,OpenGL显示3DS文件,编译example时,只要把example/glstub.h.in中的 #include 改成你的glut.h所在目录
2019-12-21 21:43:04 134KB LIB3DS
lib3ds is an overall software library for managing 3D-Studio Release 3 and 4 ".3DS" files. It is a free alternative to Autodesk's 3DS File Toolkit for managing 3DS files. It started out in 1996 to be released in 1999 under the GNU General Public License (GPL) as Open-Source software. In 2000, the library was completely rewritten in ANSI-C to attain more hardware platform independence. To enable commercial application the license was changed to GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).
2019-12-21 19:47:17 417KB lib3ds