2022-08-03 18:00:16 1.18MB 服务器
To the complete novice, learning about philosophy can be a cause for dread. The Philosophy Book uses innovative graphics and creative typography to help demystify hard-to-grasp concepts for those new to philosophy, cutting through the haze of misunderstanding, untangling knotty theories, and shedding light on abstract concepts. Aimed at anyone with a general interest in how our social, political, and ethical ideas are formed, as well as students of philosophy and politics, The Philosophy Book breathes new life to a subject that is often regarded as esoteric and academic.,解压密码
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2020版新教材高中英语 Unit 4 Amazing art Developing ideas练习 外研版3.doc
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The Imagination Machine How to Spark New Ideas and Create Your Companys Future
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Fuzzing in the mobile world the challenges, ideas, questions and (some of) the answers
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Conceptual Blockbusting: A Guide to Better Ideas, Fourth Edition djvu格式,清晰度还可以。
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哈米亚斯 Hamilton Ideas 众包宣传平台。 该存储库包含 3 阶段 Hamilton Ideas 平台的当前开发进度。 配置明智我建议本地开发环境(XAMPP)。 MYSQL 配置 - 用户名 - 根(我知道我们是坏人,但现在都是本地的所以关闭) pw - 数据库 - hamideas 创建当前数据库配置的 SQL - CREATE TABLE ideas ( id int(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, email varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, idea varchar(10000) NOT NULL, votes int(11) DEFAULT NULL, visible int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( id ) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=7
2021-07-05 18:05:11 1.01MB JavaScript
2021-06-10 05:10:56 20.02MB Mathematics 数学
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2021-06-02 20:02:59 608KB