Machine learning is a subfield of computer science that is concerned with building algorithms which, to be useful, rely on a collection of examples of some phenomenon. These examples can come from nature, be handcrafted by humans or generated by another algorithm. Machine learning can also be defined as the process of solving a practical problem by 1) gathering a dataset, and 2) algorithmically building a statistical model based on that dataset. That statistical model is assumed to be used somehow to solve the practical problem. To save keystrokes, I use the terms “learning” and “machine learning” interchangeably
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MartinHub的学习笔记 关于我 MartinHub :smiling_face_with_sunglasses: ,,热爱生活!热爱技术! 微信公众号【MartinHub】 个人微信号【MartinHub】 项目介绍 大数据 Java 数据库 Linux 杂记 :bullseye: :hot_beverage: :floppy_disk: :cloud: :memo: :black_nib:本仓库有来源自己总结,网上收集,视频笔记,如果有区别之处,可以联系我进行删除。 :scroll:笔记仓库: GitHub上: Gitee: :scroll:笔记地址: GitHub上: Gitee: 因个人能力有限,笔记中可能还有很多错误的地方,还请大家能够多多指出交流,也欢迎各位小伙伴能够提交拉请求请求进行完善。 注意:因为构建页面的框架缓存,访问笔记地址时,为防止最新更新的笔记看不到,请浏览器打开网址后,先清除页面缓存。
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