Unity 全息Shader
2022-09-28 19:06:26 184.83MB Unity Holo Hologram Shader
对此代码/算法或其任何部分的引用:Tatiana Latychevskaia 和 Hans-Werner Fink“通过全息图的自外推实现数字全息的分辨率增强”,光学快车 21(6), 7726 - 7733 (2013)
2022-03-09 20:34:37 904KB matlab
全变差去噪matlab代码通过正则反转(IHRRI)工具箱进行的在线全息图重建 一个基于数字内嵌全息图的基于“逆问题”的图像重建的matlab代码。 该工具箱实现了基于逆问题的算法,专用于数字在线全息显微镜(DHM)中的图像重建。 关于DHM和逆方法的理论方面是在JOSA A [1]中发布​​的指南中开发的,并且此代码构成了该出版物中提出的算法的演示者。 可以按原样执行名为reconstruction_script.m的主要重建脚本,并且可以从必须在文件parameters.m设置参数(数据和结果保存路径,校准,算法设置)的线内全息图数据进行重建parameters.m (有关更多详细信息,请参考它)。 所有设置都存储在全局结构EXPE ,该结构还存储重建结果。 在脚本末尾,此结构保存在MAT文件的experiment.m中,该文件包含在results目录中一个带时间戳的子目录中,该子目录称为数据全息图文件。 原则 该代码能够执行两种“反问题”算法,旨在从强度在线全息图像Y重建图像X 在此代码中, X是2分量图像([width,height,2]),每个图像分别对应于与单位透射平面的复
2021-12-21 16:01:27 38.99MB 系统开源
This Letter describes an approach to encode complex-amplitude light waves with spatiotemporal double-phase holograms (DPHs) for overcoming the limit of the space-bandwidth product (SBP) delivered by existing methods. To construct DPHs, two spatially macro-pixel encoded phase components are employed in the SBP-preserved resampling of complex holograms. Four generated sub-DPHs are displayed sequentially in time for high-quality holographic image reconstruction without reducing the image size or di
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Unity 全息投影效果 Sci Fi Hologram Shader
2021-05-22 13:06:25 73B unity3d unity shader 全息
The bidirectional error diffusion (BERD) algorithm is free from random phase modulation that introduces speckle noise on the reconstructed images, compared with other computer-generated phase-only hologram (POH) approaches. During the POH generation process, the amplitudes of all pixels are traditionally set to one for diffusing the errors to their neighborhood of unprocessed pixels. In this paper, we reveal that the reconstruction quality depends on the uniform amplitude value for different obj
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Hologram Pyramid全息
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