2022-05-03 14:09:21 1.67MB big data 算法 文档资料
圣托里尼 Santorini 是由 Gordon Hamilton 于 2004 年发布的两人或三人策略棋盘游戏。 每一轮游戏都涉及每回合围绕 5×5 网格移动您的两个棋子中的一个,然后在移动的棋子旁边放置一块瓷砖,建立棋盘的那个位置。 在随后的回合中,棋子可以移动到这些积木块之一上,但一次只能提升一层。 碎片也可以向下移动任意数量的级别。 主要获胜条件是将您的一个棋子放到第三层(通常是四块高,因为正常的游戏设置以 5×5 网格的 0 层块开始)。 如果你的对手完全无法移动,这也是一场胜利。 除了放置普通瓷砖,您还可以选择将特殊圆顶瓷砖放在已经处于第 3 级的位置的顶部。这将防止任何玩家在游戏的剩余时间内再次移动或建立该位置
2022-02-16 02:01:15 2.28MB Java
2022-01-04 21:40:54 2.03MB 德州教学
Intel apollo lake
2021-11-29 20:02:14 765KB Intelapollolak
2021-05-31 19:04:02 225KB 自然科学 论文
移动通信原理:第二版(美) Gordon L. Stuber著 经典
2021-05-12 21:27:40 15.9MB 移动通信原理 Gordon
Risk Assessment in Geotechnical Engineering - Gordon A.Fenton
2020-04-05 03:00:36 8.48MB Risk Assessment
Georgia学院大牛Stüber的经典书籍Principles of Mobile Communication 对应的中文版,移动通信原理 (第二版) 裴昌幸 等译,非常值得学习阅读。
2019-12-21 22:11:26 184.08MB Gordon Stüber 移动通信 通信原理
Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with C++ by V. Scott Gordon, John L. Clevenger English | 2019 | ISBN: 1683922216 | 384 Pages | EPUB | 29 MB This book provides step-by-step instruction on modern 3D graphics shader programming in OpenGL with C++, along with its theoretical foundations. It is appropriate both for computer science graphics courses and for professionals interested in mastering 3D graphics skills. It has been designed in a 4-color, “teach-yourself” format with numerous examples and detailed explanations. Every shader stage is explored, starting with the basics of modeling, lighting, textures, etc., up through advanced techniques such as tessellation, soft shadows, and generating realistic materials and environments. The book includes companion files with all of the source code, models, textures, skyboxes and normal maps used in the book. Features: Covers modern OpenGL 4.0+ shader programming in C++, with instructions for both PC/Windows and Macintosh. Illustrates every technique with running code examples. Everything needed to install the libraries, and complete source code for each example is provided and fully explained. Includes step-by-step instruction for using each GLSL programmable pipeline stage (vertex, tessellation, geometry, and fragment). Explores practical examples for modeling, lighting and shadows (including soft shadows), terrain, and 3D materials such as wood and marble. Explains how to optimize code for performance, and use modern development tools such as the NVIDIA® Nsight™ debugger. Includes companion files with all of the code, object models, figures, textures, skyboxes and skydomes, height and normal maps used throughout the book.
2019-12-21 20:00:23 29.62MB 图形学 CG OpenGL ComputerGrap