《AlphaControls 7.33 全源码 Delphi 7-2010 版本详解》 在Delphi编程领域,控件是构建用户界面的重要元素,它们赋予应用程序独特的外观和交互体验。AlphaControls是一款深受开发者喜爱的第三方皮肤组件,尤其在7.33这个稳定版本中,它以其强大的功能、易用性和美观的设计,为Delphi开发者提供了丰富的选项,超越了传统的Vclskin控件。 AlphaControls 7.33不仅提供了丰富的控件集,如按钮、面板、列表视图、树形视图等,还具有独特的皮肤定制能力。这些控件不仅支持各种视觉效果,如透明、渐变、阴影,还允许开发者自定义皮肤,满足个性化需求。这使得开发者能够轻松创建出独特、吸引人的用户界面,提升应用的整体质感。 在Delphi 7至2010的环境下,AlphaControls的兼容性表现出色。无论是在旧版还是新版的IDE中,开发者都能够无缝集成并充分利用AlphaControls的功能。对于那些需要在不同版本Delphi之间迁移项目的开发者来说,这是一个巨大的优势,它降低了维护成本,提高了开发效率。 AlphaControls 7.33的全源码提供给开发者,意味着可以深入理解其工作原理,进行更深度的定制和优化。这对于高级开发者或者希望扩展控件功能的团队来说,无疑是一大福音。通过查看源码,开发者可以学习到更多关于控件设计和事件处理的知识,进一步提升自己的编程技能。 此外,AlphaControls的易用性也是其备受推崇的原因之一。它的API设计简洁明了,使得新手也能快速上手。丰富的示例代码和详细的文档指导,让开发者在短时间内就能熟练运用各种控件,降低学习曲线,提高开发速度。 AlphaControls 7.33为Delphi开发者带来了一个全新的皮肤化世界。无论你是寻求创新的界面设计,还是追求高效的开发流程,这款组件都能满足你的需求。通过下载压缩包中的AlphaControls.7.33.stable.full.source,你可以亲自探索这个强大的工具集,将你的Delphi项目提升到新的高度。
2024-09-26 15:56:20 5.08MB alphacontrols 7.33 delphi
=========================== TeeChart Pro v8 VCL / CLX 100% Full Source Code Steema Software SL http://www.steema.com info@steema.com --------------------------- Thank You for Registering TeeChart Pro Source code. The source code can be modified or expanded for your own compiled applications. You can not resell or redistribute in any way this source code as it is or modified. See the License.txt document for complete licensing and disclaimer issues. Recompiling Packages: ---------------------- Kylix: ------ Please follow the installation guidelines found at Kylix.txt file. Borland Developer Studio 2006, Delphi 2005.NET and Delphi 8 for .NET: -------------------------------------- Open the Steema.TeeChart.VCL project group: Steema.TeeChart.VCL.bdsgroup and build all projects. .NET Destination of runtime packages: ------------------------------------- You might optionally want to install TeeChart for VCL.Net assemblies (packages) into .NET Framework "GAC" (Global Assembly Cache): gacutil /i Steema.TeeChart.VCL.dll gacutil /i Steema.TeeChart.VCL.Languages.dll gacutil /i Steema.TeeChart.VCL.Design.dll .NET Installation: ------------------ Under Delphi .NET, go to Component->Installed .NET Components and browse and select the Steema.TeeChart.VCL.Design.dll assembly (design-time package for VCL Forms applications). Delphi / C++ Builder: --------------------- In Delphi and C++ Builder you can recompile the TeeChart Pro packages opening the appropiate Project Group File (*.bpg) BDS 2006: Tee8D10.bpg Delphi 2005: Tee8D9.bpg Delphi 7: Tee8D7.bpg Delphi 6: Tee8D6.bpg Delphi 5: Tee8D5.bpg Delphi 4: Tee8D4.bpg C++ Builder 6: Tee8BCB6.bpg C++ Builder 5: Tee8BCB5.bpg C++ Builder 4: Tee8BCB4.bpg Double-click the first package ( ie: Tee89 ) and select "Project -> Build All packages" to recompile all packages. Please remove old package files and close all projects before recompiling. Destination of runtime packages: -------------------------------- \Windows\System (\WinNT\System32) : Teexx.bpl TeeDBxx.bpl TeeUIxx.bpl TeeGLxx.bpl TeeQRxx.bpl TeeProxx.bpl TeeImagexx.bpl TeeLanguagexx.bpl Installation of packages: -------------------------- Under Delphi / C++ Builder IDE, select Component->Install Packages. Make sure older TeeChart packages are removed from the package list. Select and Add the following design-time packages: For BDS 2006 and Delphi 2005: DclTeeProxx.bpl For all other Delphi and C++Builder versions: DCLTeexx.bpl DCLTQRxx.bpl DCLTeeProxx.bpl DCLTGLxx.bpl and: \Windows\System\TeeImagexx.bpl Installation errors: --------------------- Problems when installing packages in Delphi / C++ Builder arise when old or duplicate *.bpl (*.dpl) files are still located in the system path (\Windows\System or \WinNT\System32). Other causes are: -Improper modification of source code. -Old or duplicate *.DCP or *.DCU or *.OBJ files. Modifications: -------------- If you modify TeeChart Pro source code or fix a bug, you can email us this info so we can apply the same changes for next coming upgrades if they can benefit to other programmers. Support: -------- Please direct your questions to our Support Central Web Site: http://support.steema.com ------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for TeeCharting ! Steema Software www.steema.com
2024-07-09 19:33:22 5.68MB TeeChart
2024-03-01 12:09:07 10.74MB
经典的数据库相关控件包,用过的人都知道。 安装说明:直接运行Installer文件夹下面的Installer.exe文件既可。实现一键安装。 安装成功后如果需要就在library path中添加相应的pas或dcu文件所在路径便可。
2023-11-14 17:01:39 18.3MB Delphi10.3RIO Ehlib fullsource
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2023-05-26 16:09:30 4.87MB alphacontrols 7.59 fullsource
2023-03-17 23:31:21 436.98MB Delphi
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2023-03-10 10:18:51 16.11MB DELPHI 10.4 Sydney 1
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2023-02-19 15:41:05 10.1MB UniDAC FULLSOURCE 6.0