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java毕设 青少年时期是习惯养成的关键期。如何辅助个人养成一个良好的习惯成为了 一个重要的问题。本文设计、实现一个个人习惯监测软件,通过该软件,青少年 可以简单方便的培养自己的生活习惯、学习习惯、运动习惯以及等等。 本课题的设计与实现主要基于 Flutter、Spring Boot、Docker 三大技术设计、 开发与部署。结合市场现状,分析需求、并进行了详细的界面设计与功能实现。 在功能方面,除了核心的监测记录功能外还实现了主题、国际化、社区、商 城、数据同步等功能。其中社区功能应用了综合激励模型,用户记录数据可获得 奖励,奖励可用于排名与商城使用。 在技术方面本设计有两大创新点:一是设计并实现了一套基于 Flutter 的解 耦方案,在 Flutter 应用开发中利用自定义状态管理拆分了业务逻辑与 UI 界面, 提升了运行效率、缩短了开发周期、提升了代码的复用率;二是设计并实现了一 个简单的基于 Flutter 的 ORM 框架,提高了对移动端数据库 IO 的便捷度。 本文详细描述了个人习惯监测软件的设计与开发过程,包括需求分析、架构 设计、系统设计与实现。并通过测试和部署最终
2024-03-08 22:25:34 2.79MB 移动开发 springboot Flutter 源码
解决Mac版AndroidStudio中marketplace plugins are not loaded问题,具体步骤请参考https://www.jianshu.com/p/e9187c176141。
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2024-03-02 16:16:38 502KB flutter
2024-02-28 18:05:36 65KB flutter
原生与Flutter数据交互,主要就是构建好通道机制  Flutter 与原生交互使用Platform Channel。Flutter定义了三种不同类型的Channel,它们分别是: BasicMessageChannel:用于传递字符串和半结构化的信息(双向有返回值)。 MethodChannel:用于传递方法调用(method invocation)(双向有返回值)。 EventChannel: 用于数据流(event streams)的通信(仅支持数据单向传递,无返回值)。 三种Channel之间互相独立,各有用途,但它们在设计上却非常相近。每种Channel均有三个重要成员变量: name:  String类型,代表Channel的名字,也是其唯一标识符。 messager:BinaryMessenger类型,代表消息信使,是消息的发送与接收的工具。 codec: MessageCodec类型或MethodCodec类型,代表消息的编解码器。
2024-01-10 18:19:38 77KB Flutter 与原生交互
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2023-12-16 02:19:39 12.13MB APP源码
Explore what Flutter has to offer, where it came from, and where it’s going. Mobile development is progressing at a fast rate and with Flutter – an open-source mobile application development SDK created by Google – you can develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as Google Fuchsia.Learn to create three apps (a personal information manager, a chat system, and a game project) that you can install on your mobile devices and use for real. You will begin by getting a solid foundation of Flutter knowledge, and building on it immediately by constructing two more traditional productivity apps.. You will also learn to create a game, enabling you to see a whole other perspective on what Flutter can do. In addition to building these apps, you'll have the benefit of reviewing real-world issues you might encounter, along with ways to deal with them through tips and tricks, all designed to make your Flutter experience that much more productive and, frankly, fun! Practical Flutter will leave you with a solid grasp of how to build apps with Flutter, and springboard into creating more advanced apps on your own. By the time your journey through this material concludes, another larger one will begin as you springboard, well-prepared, into the larger world of Flutter development, tackling any project that comes your way with aplomb. Practical Flutter is a learning adventure you won't want to miss. What You'll Learn Get a Flutter project started and logically structure it Use the interface elements Flutter provides, such as widgets, controls, and extensions Build layouts using interface elements Use available tooling, specifically Android Studio Leverage server-side development and connect a Flutter app to a server back-end. Who This Book Is For Mobile developers who are looking to build for multiple mobile platforms and trying to do so with a codebase that is largely the same across all. Basic knowledge of iOS and Android generally, and some general programming experience is expected.
2023-12-12 21:44:24 6.52MB Flutter