This comprehensive book presents a rigorous and state-of-the-art treatment of variational inequalities and complementarity problems in finite dimensions. This class of mathematical programming problems provides a powerful framework for the unified analysis and development of efficient solution algorithms for a wide range of equilibrium problems in economics, engineering, finance, and applied sciences. New research material and recent results, not otherwise easily accessible, are presented in a self-contained and consistent manner. The book is published in two volumes, with the first volume concentrating on the basic theory and the second on iterative algorithms. Both volumes contain abundant exercises and feature extensive bibliographies. Written with a wide range of readers in mind, including graduate students and researchers in applied mathematics, optimization, and operations research as well as computational economists and engineers, this book will be an enduring reference on the subject and provide the foundation for its sustained growth
2021-11-15 18:43:05 5.42MB VI CP
2019-12-21 20:55:24 8.17MB Vector Spaces
Finite-dimensional variational inequalities and complementarity problems
2019-12-21 19:39:35 4.54MB variational inequalities