Channel waveguides fabrication in bulk Lithium Niobate using femtosecond pulses,张双根,姚江宏 ,Channel waveguides in Z-cut bulk congruent LiNbO3 have been fabricated with a femtosecond laser. The propagation loss in waveguides is lower than 1dB/cm.
2024-02-27 16:06:21 635KB 首发论文
2024-02-27 16:05:06 230KB 首发论文
2024-02-27 16:00:40 507KB 首发论文
2024-02-27 15:58:33 448KB 首发论文
具有曲线表面微结构的材料是微光学和生物医学装置的高度期望。 然而,有效地实现这样的设备在技术上仍然具有挑战性。 本文演示了一种简便灵活的方法来制造形状和尺寸可控的曲线形微结构。 该方法由飞秒激光曝光和氢氟酸溶液的化学蚀刻过程组成。 通过定点和步进式激光辐照,然后进行化学处理,在石英玻璃上制成了具有不同轮廓的凹形微结构,例如球形,圆锥形,钟形和抛物线形。 凸结构通过浇铸复制Craft.io复制到聚合物上。 在这项工作中,我们使用了这项技术来制造可用于3D细胞培养的高质量微透镜阵列和高纵横比微Kong。 这种方法具有许多优势,例如高效,可扩展的形状可控和易于操作。
2021-03-02 17:05:37 1024KB Femtosecond laser; Wet-etching process;
Different types of femtosecond optical tweezers have become a powerful tool in the modern biological field. However, how to control the irregular targets, including biological cells, using femtosecond optical tweezers remains to be explored. In this study, human red blood cells (hRBCs) are manipulated with femtosecond optical tweezers, and their states under different laser powers are investigated. The results indicate that optical potential traps only can capture the edge of hRBCs under the las
2021-02-10 16:05:33 1.46MB 飞秒激光 光镊 人红细胞 捕获
Ablation dynamics of tungsten irradiated with a 70 fs laser pulse is investigated with X-ray interferometry and X-ray imaging using a 13.9 nm soft X-ray laser of 7 ps pulse duration. The evolution of high-density ablation front of tungsten (i.e., W) is presented. The ablation front expands to ~120 n
2021-02-07 20:05:14 426KB
The influence of air turbulence on the transverse wandering of a single femtosecond laser filament is studied by numerical simulation. The results show that the average transverse displacement of the single filament hδri is proportional to the square root of turbulent structure constant and the relations between hδri and the propagation distance can be fit by a power function. In addition, by using an axicon as a focusing optics, the wandering of a single filament is suggested to be stronger tha
2021-02-07 20:05:13 350KB
Femtosecond Mode-locked Fiber Laser at 1 μm Via Optical Microfiber Dispersion Management
2021-02-07 16:03:21 2.5MB 研究论文
Internal motions in femtosecond soliton molecules provide insight into universal collective dynamics in various nonlinear systems. Here we introduce an orbital-angular-momentum (OAM)-resolved method that maps the relative phase motion within a femtosecond soliton molecule into the rotational movemen
2021-02-03 23:50:31 1.14MB