仅供学习参考:ifix 批生产 Proficy_Batch_Execution_v5.6_Englishifix 批生产 Proficy_Batch_Execution_v5.6_English
2022-12-17 11:28:29 124.53MB ifix批生产Proficy ifix ifix批生产 batch
This document is organized in a top down manner from the point of view of the PXE client “boot behavior”. 这份是网卡启动 PXE 启动的Spec,详细讲解了网卡legacy 启动(PXE boot)的流程和协议。
2022-08-01 19:00:49 528KB PXE
DB - Balancing Vectorized Query Execution with Bandwidth-Optimized Storage.pdf I had two supervisors at CWI. Martin Kersten always kept an eye on what this new student from Poland was doing, and teased me with hard problems and tricky questions when appropriate. Still, it was Peter Boncz who had to live with all my questions, ideas, problems and complaints almost every day. The discussions we had were one of the most thought-stimulating moments of my life, even when we disagreed on ...
2022-07-12 20:05:15 1.46MB 数据库 向量化 执行器
之前在使用nucleo STM32F091RCT6进行项目实验时,代码编译链接无报错。最近需要将代码移植到nucleo STM32F072RBT6上,在更改Options中device芯片以及C++define后,再次编译链接,出现了几十个相同类型的错误,均为No space in execution regions with .ANY selector matching xxx.o(.data)。字面上是指执行区域无空间。那么这个无空间可能包含两种情况: 1. Flash无空间; 2. RAM无空间。 首先我们来看一下出现错误的原因。由于代码中包含了FreeRTOS,因此代码量非常大,在Op
2022-04-21 20:57:31 280KB ace c ce
Created by Yuntao Qiang, for OS Class. Pls feel free to use this resource
2021-11-22 19:00:47 452KB os
Vectorization vs. Compilation in Query Execution.pdf
2021-10-22 09:04:58 257KB Vectorization Compilation llvm 向量计算
可变形卷积的TensorFlow实现 这是以下论文的TensorFlow实现: 戴继峰,齐浩志,熊玉文,李毅,张国栋,韩寒,魏一辰。 2017。可变形卷积网络。 arXiv [cs.CV]。 arXiv。 该代码只能在。 旋转训练图 采样地点 基本用法 DeformableConvLayer是自定义的Keras图层,因此您可以像其他任何标准图层(例如Dense , Conv2D一样使用它。 这是一个简单的示例: inputs = tf . zeros ([ 16 , 28 , 28 , 3 ]) model = tf . keras . Sequential () model . add ( DeformableConvLayer ( filters = 6 , kernel_size = 3 , strides = 1 , padding = 'valid' , dilat
先请问大家一个问题:keil5编译后生成 Program Size: Code RO-data RW-data ZI-data是什么? 要想知道RAM溢出分析,对内存需要比较了解。实际上: ==================================================== **Total RO Size (Code + RO Data) Total RW Size (RW Data + ZI Data) Total ROM Size (Code + RO Data + RW Data)** ======================================
2021-08-16 19:41:10 155KB ace c ce
MES珍藏宝典:Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES),MES大师级人物Heiko Meyer撰写 Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) 作者: Heiko Meyer / Franz Fuchs / Klaus Thiel 副标题: Optimal Design, Planning, and Deployment ISBN: 9780071623834 定价: USD 89.95 出版社: McGraw-Hill Professional 装帧: Hardcover 出版年: 2009-03-02
2021-07-24 15:24:28 2.43MB MES
Manufacturing Execution Systems – MES Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Kletti Springer Berlin Heidelberg PDF 英文版。解释、建构 MES,最后其中一章谈到与SAP 集成,和塑料加工行业MES 应用。 专门谈 MES 的书其实不多,这本算是不错的一本。讨论是比较高层次的架构和营运管理。要纯粹技术的可以忽略。
2021-05-25 19:19:11 7.73MB MES