2022-10-06 09:05:33 1.58MB
How to enable PCIE internal Clock on i.MX8QXP.pdf
2022-09-30 15:24:56 215KB i.MX8QXP
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Installing the Python Wrapper Please follow these instructions to prepare XGBoost for use with Python. I am placing xgboost in a directory called xgboost_install_dir but this can be anything. 1. git clone https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost.git xgboost_install_dir 2. copy libxgboost.dll into the xgboost_install_dir\python-package\xgboost\ directory 3. cd xgboost_install_dir\python-package\ 4. python setup.py install 下面是使用举例 import xgboost xr = xgboost.XGBRegressor() xr.fit(X, y) xr.predict(X_test)
2022-08-15 10:23:28 45.71MB xgboost gpu
主页»HowTo»Enable TLS 1.2 on Windows XP 文章2754 Enable TLS 1.2 on Windows XP To enable TLS 1.2 on Windows XP: 1.Download PosReady.zip 2.Extract the.zip file 3.Double click and import PosReady.reg 4.Download Enable TLS 1.x.zip 5. Extract the .zip file 6. Double click and import Enable TLS 1x.reg 7 Download KB4019276 8. Run the .exe and install the update 9.Restart the system
2022-07-07 22:00:53 1.05MB TLS1.2XP
How to enable Kernel Shell Component in VxWorks.pd
2022-07-04 19:01:02 691KB vxw
Android 蓝牙协议栈使能enable -init流程图,将Android 源码使用流程图的形式画了出来,使Android 蓝牙开发者更清楚数据收发走向,代码流程更加形象生动,能够很快的熟悉Android 蓝牙源码,利于后面问题处理和BUG解决。
2022-04-30 19:05:09 55KB android 源码软件 流程图 蓝牙
需求解读 由于定制rom给用户具体需求如下: 进入工厂测试app自动打开adb调试模式,退出就关闭,防止客户的用户安装其它应用(直接通过改变Settings.Global.ADB_ENABLED字段) 打开usbdebug不提示弹出框 禁止调试图标出现在通知状态栏 过程分析 通过字段关闭和开启usb调试模式 通过开启开发者模式最终发现开启或者关闭是改变如下字段: Settings.Global.putInt(getContentResolver(),Settings.Global.ADB_ENABLED, 0); 打开USBdebug不弹框流程 当adb_enable为0时会关闭adb调试模
2022-03-27 14:25:06 57KB ab adb ble
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