2022-09-05 00:18:55 2.08MB ETS测试机Log转CSV的工具
ETS300/ETS364测试机的手册,包括硬件的详细介绍,软件系统介绍,测试程序开发等等 总共26个PDF文件。
2021-11-02 13:24:36 78.01MB ETS300手册 ETS364手册 ETS硬件手册
ETS364 - Basic Programming (Color).doc 这是一个ETS364的基础入门教程,大概介绍了软件系统,各种工具的使用,以及测试程序的结构。适合入门学习,尤其适合产品工程师。
2021-07-29 22:13:39 6.37MB ETS364基础培训 ETS364 basic tra
ETS364完整的程序开发培训资料,674页的PDF文件 System overview basic system layout Hardware overview pin location overview introduction to RAIDE tools Measurement Basics Analaysis of DUT Create First Project & review test executive Groups, grouping and sites Lab Assignments APU-12, SPU-100 & debug fundamentals Basics of Pattern based testing pattern based testing of a DUT Groupset accumulator Optimizing a test Introduction to Per Pin digital introduction of digital test concepts Master Clock ( MCU-66) DPU-16 QTMU SYstem features DPU-16 pins Vector Editor Debugging Tips1 Project Restore Debugging Tips2 Debugging Using RAIDE Mixed Signal Viewer - DIgital style Debug with vector editor Miscellaneous - capture data review of raide VEC buttons Digital excample - dpinvecblockread, dpinvecblockwrite, capture data with PSQ Digital Example - dpintimeset:unique timesets per site Digital Example - dpingetfailpins & dpingetfaildata ....... 目录都太多了,自己看吧....
2021-04-23 10:31:11 60.35MB Eagle测试机开发培训资料 ETS Tester trian