2024-05-23 13:19:53 1.06MB CPABE
2023-07-19 21:09:57 872KB idea
2023-04-16 17:25:15 1.05MB bch_verilog verilog_bch bch__verilog bch_译码
The echo canceller is based on the MDF algorithm described in: J. S. Soo, K. K. Pang Multidelay block frequency adaptive filter, IEEE Trans. Acoust. Speech Signal Process., Vol. ASSP-38, No. 2, February 1990. We use the Alternatively Updated MDF (AUMDF) variant. Robustness to double-talk is achieved using a variable learning rate as described in: Valin, J.-M., On Adjusting the Learning Rate in Frequency Domain Echo Cancellation With Double-Talk. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 1030-1034, 2007. http://people.xiph.org/~jm/papers/valin_taslp2006.pdf There is no explicit double-talk detection, but a continuous variation in the learning rate based on residual echo, double-talk and background noise. About the fixed-point version: All the signals are represented with 16-bit words. The filter weights are represented with 32-bit words, but only the top 16 bits are used in most cases. The lower 16 bits are completely unreliable (due to the fact that the update is done only on the top bits), but help in the adaptation -- probably by removing a "threshold effect" due to quantization (rounding going to zero) when the gradient is small. Another kludge that seems to work good: when performing the weight update, we only move half the way toward the "goal" this seems to reduce the effect of quantization noise in the update phase. This can be seen as applying a gradient descent on a "soft constraint" instead of having a hard constraint.
2023-01-04 10:47:39 12.81MB enc echo 回声消除
2022-12-28 20:05:37 977KB
MPP_LINUX_C ++ 一个演示演示了如何在Linux上使用mpp如果您想在android上使用mpp,可以参考 项目架构 ├──build --build目录├──CMakeLists.txt --cmake脚本├──main.cpp-主程序├──mpp --mpp抽象接口├──README.md --doc ├──res --res目录├──rkdrm --drm界面(高级显示) ├──rkrga --rga界面(关于格式和分辨率的转换) └──线程-线程抽象接口(使用posix) 制造和测试 首先,请将CMakeLists.txt修改为指定的c和c ++编译器。那样做设置(CMAKE_C_COMPILER“输入您的工具链gcc路径)设置(CMAKE_CXX_coMPILER“输入您的工具链g ++路径”) cmake版本> = 2.8是必需的root:cd构建根:make根目
2022-06-17 13:54:22 10.4MB C
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2021-12-22 09:54:47 1.88MB 传感器 智能车 enc-03m 角速度侦测
2021-12-10 21:31:15 114KB 陀螺仪
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lame_enc.dll 完美支持 Audacity 2.1.2 mp3音视频解码
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