冒泡排序法的matlab程序代码02-DataVis-5ways 作业 2 - 数据可视化,5 种方法 对于这个作业,我选择使用 excel、d3(javascript)、matplotlib(python)、tableau 和 bubblechart(matlab)。 D3 - javascript D3 是一个库,用于以编程方式在 javascript 中创建 html 元素以创建主要数据可视化。 我们在网上提供了我想要的散点图示例,并且非常容易重新创建,尤其是使用 d3 csv 读取。 创建轴标签很难正确对齐。 电子表格 Excel 是一种常用的桌面应用程序,用于管理和显示数据。 这尤其困难,因为没有涉及编码,而且我不得不手动为图表提供制造商的所有数据,因为 excel 会解析您的意图。 Matplotlib - Python Python 是一种流行的编程数据,用于各种通用编程和数据科学。 我已经熟悉 matplotlib、numpy 和 pandas,所以我能够非常快速地解析 csv 并直接进行绘图。 字符串所在的颜色因此在颜色方面相当有限。 表 Tableau 也是我以前从
2022-05-07 22:49:24 569KB 系统开源
--------------------------- Qt Data Visualization 5.7.0 --------------------------- Qt Data Visualization module provides multiple graph types to visualize data in 3D space both with C++ and Qt Quick 2. System Requirements =================== - Qt 5.2.1 or newer - OpenGL 2.1 or newer (recommended) or OpenGL ES2 (reduced feature set) - Manipulating Qt Data Visualization graphs with QML Designer requires Qt Creator 3.3 or newer Building ======== Configure the project with qmake: qmake After running qmake, build the project with make: (Linux) make (Windows with MinGw) mingw32-make (Windows with Visual Studio) nmake (OS X) make The above generates the default makefiles for your configuration, which is typically the release build if you are using precompiled binary Qt distribution. To build both debug and release, or one specifically, use one of the following qmake lines instead. For debug builds: qmake CONFIG+=debug make or qmake CONFIG+=debug_and_release make debug For release builds: qmake CONFIG+=release make or qmake CONFIG+=debug_and_release make release For both builds (Windows/OS X only): qmake CONFIG+="debug_and_release build_all" make After building, install the module to your Qt directory: make install If you want to uninstall the module: make uninstall Building as a statically linked library ======================================= The same as above applies, you will just have to add static to the CONFIG: qmake CONFIG+=static Documentation ============= The documentation can be generated with: make docs The documentation is generated into the doc folder under the build folder. Both Qt Assistant (qtdatavisualization.qch) and in HTML format (qtdatavisualization subfolder) documentation is generated. Please refer to the generated documentation for more information: doc/qtdatavisualization/qtdatavisualization-index.html Known Issues ============ - Some platform
2021-07-07 11:47:51 5.79MB Qt Datavis 3D