Ex_DUI易语言源码 创建按钮简单例程
2023-08-19 20:07:20 498KB 易语言
2023-04-07 22:00:12 5.11MB Dui 报表
一个比较完整的DirectUI Demo, 支持各种Layout,实现了各种基本控件(SplitBar, PictureBox, Button, Radio, CheckBox, Label, HyperLink, ProgressBar, ListBox, Edit, ComboBox, Tab Control, Toolbar, Menu, tree),支持键盘导航,支持多语言,支持换肤,支持异形窗口。
2023-01-03 11:58:56 2.74MB DUI DirectUI
开源wince/window directui界面框架 更多资料请到百度网盘地地址 http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qWvxXeO 下载
2022-07-27 10:48:05 1.98MB directui wince 界面库 dui
2021-12-11 11:10:59 245KB Inspect32 窗体信息查看 无句柄窗体 DUI
2021-10-11 13:53:11 4.35MB c++虚拟键盘 dui虚拟键盘 dui vc2008
#说明 .一个优秀的ffmpeg视频解码器源代码,编译方式:Release.x64版本。 .windows下播放网络视频流低延时 .解码器支持网络摄像头、本地视频文件、电脑自带usb摄像头、桌面抓取方法。 .视频解码处理过程已经经过硬解码,及如何从硬解码后采用SSE,ipp,等intel优化提取数据。单路1080P下视频从解码到复原RGB数据CPU降至%2以内。 .duilib下多路网络视频播放demo.内部采用opencv播放(D3D播放版本暂未上传) #第三方开源库 .opencv;dlib;opencv;SSE;ipp;boost库 .boost文件过大需自己去官网下载编译 #其他 .如有其他代码问题,请联系我QQ136111526
2021-10-09 21:44:34 8.74MB C++
2021-09-16 16:46:12 6.13MB Dui ECharts
Paperback: 898 pages Publisher: Wiley-Interscience (June 1978) Language: English ISBN-10: 047116433X ISBN-13: 978-0471164333 Product Description Beginning students of quantum mechanics frequently experience difficulties separating essential underlying principles from the specific examples to which these principles have been historically applied. Nobel-Prize-winner Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and his colleagues have written this book to eliminate precisely these difficulties. Fourteen chapters provide a clarity of organization, careful attention to pedagogical details, and a wealth of topics and examples which make this work a textbook as well as a timeless reference, allowing to tailor courses to meet students' specific needs. Each chapter starts with a clear exposition of the problem which is then treated, and logically develops the physical and mathematical concept. These chapters emphasize the underlying principles of the material, undiluted by extensive references to applications and practical examples which are put into complementary sections. The book begins with a qualitative introduction to quantum mechanical ideas using simple optical analogies and continues with a systematic and thorough presentation of the mathematical tools and postulates of quantum mechanics as well as a discussion of their physical content. Applications follow, starting with the simplest ones like e.g. the harmonic oscillator, and becoming gradually more complicated (the hydrogen atom, approximation methods, etc.). The complementary sections each expand this basic knowledge, supplying a wide range of applications and related topics as well as detailed expositions of a large number of special problems and more advanced topics, integrated as an essential portion of the text.
2021-04-26 11:41:37 9.37MB Dui B Cohen-Tannoudji C
易语言E_DirectUI 仿迅雷播放器
2020-01-29 03:07:26 1.44MB 易语言 DUI E_DUI 仿迅雷