DIXml is an embedded XML, XSLT, and EXSLT processing library for Delphi (Embarcadero / CodeGear / Borland). It is build on the libxml2, libxslt and libexslt libraries but requires no DLLs nor other external files. DIXml is the most feature-complete XML and XSLT solution for Delphi. Features: XML and HTML reading and writing, pull and push parser modes. XML and HTML document tree creation, traversal, load, and save. SAX and extended reader interfaces. DTD and schema validation. Encoding support for UTF-8, UTF-16, ISO-8859-family, ASCII (all native). XPATH processing. NameSpace support. XSLT transformation and processing. File, memory, and customized input / output. Low memory usage, outstanding performance.
2023-04-07 14:46:20 23.55MB DIXML XML XSLT EXSLT
解压密码:123 安装说明:https://blog.csdn.net/hongfu951/article/details/118517942 DriveImage XML是一个易于使用和可靠的程序,用于映像和备份分区和逻辑驱动器。 DriveImage XML DriveImage XML:进入屏幕 映像创建使用微软的卷影服务(VSS),允许您创建安全的“热映像”,甚至从当前使用的驱动器。图像存储在XML文件中,允许您使用第三方工具处理它们。永远不要再被无用的备份所困!将映像恢复到驱动器,无需重新启动。DriveImage XML现在比以往更快,提供了两种不同的压缩级别。 DriveImage XML在Windows XP和Windows up下运行。该程序将备份、映像和恢复格式化为FAT和NTFS的驱动器。
DIXml is an embedded XML, XSLT, and EXSLT processing library for Borland / CodeGear Delphi. It is build on the libxml2, libxslt and libexslt libraries. However, DIXml requires no DLLs or any other external files whatsoever. All required code is compiled completely into the application's executable.
2021-07-24 14:46:16 28.3MB DIXml