2023-12-26 11:37:35 5.49MB Delphi
2023-11-27 15:06:14 1.17MB EmbeddedWB
EhLib.VCL 9.5.012强大控件,含一键安装D5-D10全支持。 Ehlib一款非常不错的第三方Grid控件。界面美观、功能强劲、内含编程时最常用的Delphi控件和源码,比Delphi自带的强大许多、比cxGrid小巧、使用起来更简单方便。
2023-10-17 23:41:55 44.58MB EhLib.VCL DbGirdeh
For Delphi 5 Delphi 6 Delphi 7 Delphi 2006 Delphi 2007 Delphi 2009 Delphi 2010 Delphi XE Delphi XE2 Delphi XE3 非常感谢danielfrimerman 官方网站:http://www.bsalsa.com/ 官方论坛:http://www.bsalsa.com/forum/index.php
2023-09-04 09:41:49 1.27MB EmbeddedWB
2023-08-25 09:50:50 5.33MB Report Machine D5-XE10
2023-07-13 15:05:20 1.29MB EmbeddedWB
2023-05-17 17:00:29 8.05MB Delphi
A package of standard and unique components for professional GUI design development using AlphaSkins. AlphaControls is an easy-to-use universal and powerful tool for developing original skinned and non-skinned business/media applications. A lot of additional properties and components makes this package (and the applications that use it) unique. Supported: Delphi 5/6/7/2005-2010/XE-XE8, Builder 6/2006-2010/XE-XE8, RX Seattle, RX Berlin Compatible with Windows XP and newer Update: AlphaControls v11.15 Stable released05.09.2016 Improved work of the TsSpinEdit component with MinValue and MaxValue properties Fixed Error in compiling of the AlphaDB package
2023-04-11 09:48:48 49.33MB Alpha Controls v11.15
Delphi第三方控件EmbeddedWB,这是一个不错的浏览器控件,比Delphi自带的Webbrowser要强悍 EmbeddedWB安装方法: 1.下载压缩包,飘易下载的是EmbeddedWB v14.67.0版本,下载地址:http://www.delphifans.com/SoftView/SoftView_2705.html。 2.解压整个压缩包到 lib\EmbeddedWB 下; 3.复制 lib\EmbeddedWB 下的Packages目录中的EmbeddedWebBrowser_D2007.dpk(因为飘易使用的是DELPHI2007)到Source目录里; 4.用Delphi7开发环境打开 EmbeddedWebBrowser_D2007.dpk 文件,按Optios按钮,作如下调整: Directories/Conditionals标签Unit Output Dir=“D:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\5.0\lib\EmbeddedWB\Source”(具体路径自行决定); 5.按Compile 再按Install; 6.不要保存变化了的dpk文件及压缩包; 7.在具体的编译工程时,需检查该源目录(D:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\5.0\lib\EmbeddedWB\Source)在 Delphi IDE 的 "Search Path" 路径里(Project -> Options -> irectories/Conditionals -> Search Path); 如果没有,添加这个源目录路径。否则,在使用该控件的时候,出现“File not found: 'SHDocVw_EWB.dcu'” 错误。 8.可以正常使用了。 这里还有一篇别人的“Embedded Web Browser Delphi组件的安装”,不过是把TEmbeddedWB控件安装到 Delphi7 里的。 下面是D2005 installing steps:1.After downloading Unzip the package. 2. Put the folder that contain the package in the path "..:\Borland\BDS\3.0\lib" 3. Open Delphi IDE and press in the menu bar On: File --> "Open" In the open dialog navigate to the path where you store your package to the source folder("..:\Borland\BDS\3.0\lib\EmbeddedWB_D2005\Source"). 5.Choose file name "EmbeddedWebBrowser_D2005.dpk" and press open. 6.In the project manager (in the right corner) point with your mouse on the top file ("EmbeddedWebBrowser_D2005.bdsproj"). Then Right click and choose "Build" 7. And last In the same file & menu Press install. 8. Do not save the package changes. 9. You should make sure that the source folder is in the Delphi IDE "Search Path". If not You must add it.
2023-03-12 08:34:46 1.34MB EmbeddedWB
TMS Component Pack D5 - XE10.zip
2023-03-07 13:07:57 38.6MB Delphi