2009年10月15日在Delphi2009上修改完成,调试通过 一款强大的语法高亮控件......
2024-01-18 17:07:38 2.47MB D2009 Delphi Delphi2009
Delphi第三方控件EmbeddedWB,这是一个不错的浏览器控件,比Delphi自带的Webbrowser要强悍 EmbeddedWB安装方法: 1.下载压缩包,飘易下载的是EmbeddedWB v14.67.0版本,下载地址:http://www.delphifans.com/SoftView/SoftView_2705.html。 2.解压整个压缩包到 lib\EmbeddedWB 下; 3.复制 lib\EmbeddedWB 下的Packages目录中的EmbeddedWebBrowser_D2007.dpk(因为飘易使用的是DELPHI2007)到Source目录里; 4.用Delphi7开发环境打开 EmbeddedWebBrowser_D2007.dpk 文件,按Optios按钮,作如下调整: Directories/Conditionals标签Unit Output Dir=“D:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\5.0\lib\EmbeddedWB\Source”(具体路径自行决定); 5.按Compile 再按Install; 6.不要保存变化了的dpk文件及压缩包; 7.在具体的编译工程时,需检查该源目录(D:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\5.0\lib\EmbeddedWB\Source)在 Delphi IDE 的 "Search Path" 路径里(Project -> Options -> irectories/Conditionals -> Search Path); 如果没有,添加这个源目录路径。否则,在使用该控件的时候,出现“File not found: 'SHDocVw_EWB.dcu'” 错误。 8.可以正常使用了。 这里还有一篇别人的“Embedded Web Browser Delphi组件的安装”,不过是把TEmbeddedWB控件安装到 Delphi7 里的。 下面是D2005 installing steps:1.After downloading Unzip the package. 2. Put the folder that contain the package in the path "..:\Borland\BDS\3.0\lib" 3. Open Delphi IDE and press in the menu bar On: File --> "Open" In the open dialog navigate to the path where you store your package to the source folder("..:\Borland\BDS\3.0\lib\EmbeddedWB_D2005\Source"). 5.Choose file name "EmbeddedWebBrowser_D2005.dpk" and press open. 6.In the project manager (in the right corner) point with your mouse on the top file ("EmbeddedWebBrowser_D2005.bdsproj"). Then Right click and choose "Build" 7. And last In the same file & menu Press install. 8. Do not save the package changes. 9. You should make sure that the source folder is in the Delphi IDE "Search Path". If not You must add it.
2023-03-12 08:34:46 1.34MB EmbeddedWB
2023-01-04 17:00:40 992KB Delphi
TMS Components for IntraWeb allows rich design-time editing of webpages from the Delphi IDE directly on IntraWeb forms. IntraWeb and the TMS Components for IntraWeb allow an unprecedented RAD way of web application development with Delphi, making web development as easy as dropping components on a form. Message dialog Modal dialog control Async events Async updates Input capabilities Highly customisable Treeview Async events Async updates Nodes with checkboxes Nodes with radiobuttons Link, hint, color, images per node Smooth controls TTIWSmoothTimeLine: timeline component TTIWSmoothGauge: gauge component TTIWSmoothLEDLabel: LED label component TTIWSmoothLabel: label with gradient/texture fill Labels TTIWDateLabel: label showing todays date TTIWPopupMenuLabel: label with attached popup menu TTIWGradientLabel: label with gradient background TTIWCalculatingLabel component: client-side calculating label TTIWNoSpamEmail component : email hyperlink that cannot be traced by spambots Menus TTIWStaticMenu: static menu with hover effect TTIWMainMenu, TTIWSideMenu: dropdown menu controls TTIWPopupMenuButton: button with attached popup menu TTIWDocumentPopup: right-click popup menu for document Edit controls TTIWAdvEdit, TTIWDBAdvEdit: advanced edit control TTIWAdvLUEdit, TTIWDBAdvLUEdit: advanced lookup edit control TTIWEMailEdit: edit control with regular expression validation for email TTIWAdvSpinEdit, TTIWDBAdvSpinEdit: data-aware and not data-aware spin edit controls TTIWAdvTimeEdit, TTIWDBAdvTimeEdit: edit component specific for entering time values TTIWAdvDateEdit, TTIWDBAdvDateEdit: edit component specific for entering date values TTIWCCNumEdit: credit card number edit control with client side basic validation TTIWCCExpEdit: credit card expiry date edit control with client side basic validation TTIWFilePicker: edit control with attached file picker button TTIWPersistentEdit: edit control with cookie persistency TTIWEditLinkLink: client side edit to listbox link TTIWTextAreaLimiter component : multi-line textbox with full client-side length limitation and display
2022-03-25 16:46:17 12.41MB TMS IntraWeb Component Pack
SPCOMM3.0 For D2009&D2010 已测试过,可以在D2009和D2010中编译安装!
2021-09-24 21:46:29 45KB SPCOMM3.0 For D2009&D2010
Raize Components是Delphi和C++Builder下的用户界面组件,拥有超过125种通用原生VCL控件集合。支持2009-XE7。
2021-08-12 10:32:16 51.45MB raize
Raize Components是Delphi和C++Builder下的用户界面组件,拥有超过125种通用原生VCL控件集合。支持2009-XE7。
2021-08-12 10:27:49 54.41MB raize
解压密码:123 安装说明:https://blog.csdn.net/hongfu951/article/details/118517942 TMS Advanced Charts for IntraWeb是TMS Advanced Charts的一部分,可以用于Windows VLC软件的开发以及IntraWeb web应用程序的开发。 功能和能力的TMS先进的图表的内部web: 组件查看一个或多个图表面板 广泛的二维图表,如:线,条,面积,直方图,气泡,误差和… 以日期/时间符号为单位索引的x轴 具有y轴自动排序功能,小值和大值沿y轴排列,多值y轴支持不同的字符串 注释和描述支持 面板滚动,缩放,分割,拖放,与鼠标和键盘同步 帮助沿着x轴导航的引导条 可调节的图表边框和背景的图表 支持位图输出输出打印 支持继续图表到文件的设置 自动TAdvStringGrid / TDBAdvGrid同步的接口组件 支持图表与不透明度和梯度 支持PNG图像与alpha透明度的图表标记 在条,线,区域和描述中创建阴影 玻璃镜效应支架 水平海图,旋转海图90度 对数尺度能力Y 条形:矩形,圆柱体,金字塔为普通和堆叠条形图 输出为PDF文件 配置蜘蛛图的y轴 输出PNG, JPEG, TIFF, BMP或GIF文件 保存并恢复TAdvChartView设置 将TMS高级图表连接到数据库 在运行时更新图表
2021-08-11 16:17:26 158.53MB TMSAdvancedCha WindowsVLC软件的开发
解压密码:123 安装说明:https://blog.csdn.net/hongfu951/article/details/118517942 ZylGPSReceiver是一个获奖的Delphi和c++ Builder组件集合,用于与GPS受益人(全球定位系统)通信。它返回纬度,经度,高度,速度,航向和许多其他有用的参数的当前位置和卫星的参数见。该组件伸出来计算距离,并在各种测量单位之间进行转换。该组件与任何NMEA 0183编译GPS采集器连接到一个串行端口。NMEA 0183(简称NMEA)是一种综合电气和数据规范,用于海洋电子设备之间的通信,例如混响测深仪、声纳、风速表(风速和方向)、陀螺罗盘、自动驾驶仪、GPS受益人和许多其他类型的仪器。它由美国国家海洋电子协会定义并控制。您也可以下载Active Query Builder .NET WinForms Edition免费下载
2021-08-03 17:05:58 14.48MB ZylGPSReceiver Delphi和c++Build
Oracle.Data.Access.Components.v6.80.0.47.FS.forD5-D2009 Oracle Data Access Components Source Code Copyright 1997-2009, Devart. All Rights Reserved If you want that the odacvcl package does not require BDE packages, find and comment the following line in the Odac.inc file before you compile ODAC: {$DEFINE BDESESSION} In this case the TBDESession component will not be present in ODAC. There are two ways to compile and install ODAC for Windows manually.
2021-05-24 12:04:54 6.44MB odac oracle