Explore how to develop and implement wireless server networks (WSN) using Contiki-NG, branded as the operating system for the IoT. The book explains Contiki-NG’s advantages in sensing, communication, and energy optimization and enables you to begin solving problems in automation with WSN. Practical Contiki-NG is a guide to getting started with Contiki-NG programming featuring projects that demonstrate a variety of applications. This book takes a practical and content-driven approach to the latest technologies, including Raspberry Pi, IoT and cloud servers. Readers will go through step-by-step guides and sample scenarios such as sensing, actuating, connectivity, building middleware, and utilizing IoT and cloud-based technologies. If you’re looking to go from zero to hero in using Contiki-NG to build Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications then this is the book for you. What You’ll Learn Prepare and set up Contiki-NG development Review the basics of the Contiki-NG platform to build Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) Develop your own Contiki-NG program Perform sensing and actuating on the Contiki-NG platform Implement a middleware for Contiki-NG motes Build a simple IoT program using the Contiki-NG environment Who This Book Is For Developers, students, researchers and anyone who has an interest in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN).
2021-11-04 10:59:05 11.32MB Contiki-NG 物联网 传感器
Practical Contiki-NG Programming for Wireless Sensor Networks 英文epub本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系csdn管理员删除查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2021-07-17 16:20:10 15.87MB Practical Contiki-NG Programming Wireless
Practical Contiki-NG, 作为 contiki-ng 入门资料,带标签,有源码地址,及大量彩色插图
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