xilinx Timing Constraints User Guide
2022-08-26 16:19:13 4.51MB Timing Constraints
2022-04-11 14:01:37 13KB airflow constraints-3.6.
具有成对约束的聚类最近在聚类社区中引起了很多关注。 特别地,数据集中给定实例对之间的必须链接约束和不能链接约束是当今许多聚类算法中所包​​含的常识。 事实证明,这种方法可以成功地指导许多著名的聚类算法获得更准确的结果。 但是,最近的工作还表明,必须链接约束和不能链接约束的合并使聚类算法对“实例的分配顺序”过于敏感,因此导致了随后的约束冲突。 本文的主要贡献有两个方面。 一种方法是在执行“无法链接”集合的“广度优先”搜索后,通过强调无法链接实例的有序分配来解决Cop-Kmeans中违反约束的问题。 另一个是通过采用MapReduce框架来降低大数据集的Cop-Kmeans计算复杂度。 实验结果表明,我们的方法在海量数据集上表现良好,同时可以克服约束冲突的问题。
2022-03-17 19:27:29 388KB Semi-supervised clustering; Pairwise constraints;
纸浆 PuLP是用Python编写的LP建模器。 PuLP可以生成MPS或LP文件,并调用 ,COIN-OR CLP / , , , , , , , 来解决线性问题。 安装 安装纸浆的最简单方法是通过 如果您的系统上有pip: python -m pip install pulp 否则,请按照PyPi页面上的下载说明进行操作。 如果要从github安装最新版本,可以运行以下命令: python -m pip install -U git+https://github.com/coin-or/pulp 在Linux和OSX系统上,必须运行测试以使默认求解器可执行。 sudo pulptest 例子 有关示例,请参见示例目录。 PuLP需要Python 2.7或Python> = 3.4。 这些示例使用默认求解器(CBC)。 要使用其他求解器,它们必须是可用的(已
2022-03-12 00:02:57 51.89MB python solver constraints pulp
2022-01-17 18:10:19 12KB airflow依赖文件
Soft-Boundary Label Relaxation with class placement constraints
2021-12-14 20:15:03 1.63MB paper
预测控制的相关论述,很好的英文资料. J.M.Maciejowski Reader in Control Engineering University of Cambridge Fellow, Pembroke College, Cambridge
2021-11-26 12:25:40 3MB Model Predictive control
The classic "elastic band" deforms a path generated by a global planner with respect to the shortest path length while avoiding contact with obstacles. It does not take any dynamic constraints of the underlying robot into account directly. This contribution introduces a new approach called "timed elastic band" which explicitly considers temporal aspects of the motion in terms of dynamic constraints such as limited robot velocities and accelerations. The "timed elastic band" problem is formulated in a weighted multi-objective optimization framework. Most objectives are local as they depend on a few neighboring intermediate configurations. This results in a sparse system matrix for which efficient large-scale constrained least squares optimization methods exist. Results from simulations and experiments with a real robot demonstrate that the approach is robust and computationally efficient to generate optimal robot trajectories in real time. The "timed elastic band" converts an initial path composed of a sequence of way points into a trajectory with explicit dependence on time which enables the control of the robot in real time. Due to its modular formulation the approach is easily extended to incorporate additional objectives and constraints.
2021-11-20 01:53:43 435KB teb 局部路径规划 自动驾驶
基于 Barrier Lyapunov 函数的严格反馈系统的全状态约束控制,王春晓,武玉强,本文研究了非对称时变全状态约束的严格反馈非线性系统的自适应控制问题。时变非对称障碍李雅普诺夫函数的引入保证了状态约束条件
2021-10-05 17:11:53 191KB nonlinear strict-feedback system
xilinx 7系列官方时序约束手册,包括clocks、primary clocks、Virtual clocks、Generated clocks、clock groups、input delay、output delay、multicycle path、false path相关的解释与例子。
2021-08-09 13:14:09 3.97MB fpga ug903 时序约束手册