MacType --- Sam-Toki-MacType-Configurations:Sam Toki的MacType配置(ini文件)。 适用于Windows10。需要“ Source Han Sans”并安装了几种指定的字体。 /自用MacType配置方案(ini文件)。适用于Win10,需要安装“思源黑体”以及某些指定字体
2022-01-24 14:25:06 22KB
JESD21-C, JEDEC Configurations for Solid State Memories, is a compilation of some 3000 pages of all memory device standards for solid state memory including DIMM, DRAM, SDRAM, MCP, PROM, and others from September 1989 to present. The JEDEC JC-42 Committee on RAM Memory and its Subcommittees, JC-45 Committee on Memory Modules and its Subcommittees and the JC-63 Committee on Multi Chip Packages develop the standards in JESD21-C and are responsible for updating the publication. An annual updating service for JESD21 is available by subscription. Subscribers receive periodic electronic updates for replacement or insertion into the hard copy JESD21-C. A complete hard copy of JESD21-C is available for purchase. The hard copy comes in two 3” wide 3-ring binders so that future updates can be added with ease.
2021-10-27 17:39:20 7.01MB Memory Configurations JESD21-C JEDEC
信息安全_数据安全_Configurations:Do you prove yours ? 移动安全 安全架构信息安全研究 应急响应 安全建设
2021-08-21 22:01:16 2.34MB 用户隐私 安全评级 数据恢复 安全防护