嵌入式计算专业中使用的SAME70-XPLD套件的示例存储库! 例子 UC周边 PIO 输入和输出: 中断输入: 带有中断的TC RTC: RTT: AFEC读取温度: 通过TC触发的AFEC读取温度: OLED 上的PWM: 编写和阅读SDCARD: AES加密: 沟通 蓝牙(HM10或HC06) 从机: 对等: 实时操作系统: 乙太网路具有DCHP的lwIP HTTP服务器: WIFI(WINC 1500) 执行get : 使用RTOS执行get : WIFI-WINC1500-get-RTOS-EXT1 使用get天气信息: WIFI-WINC1500-getWeather-EXT1 provioning模式: WIFI-WINC1500-getWeather-EXT1 扫描wifi网络: WIFI-WINC1500-Scanning-EXT1
Few technical terms have gained such rapid notoriety as the appela- tion HNP-complete." In the short time since its introduction in the early 1970's, this term has come to symbolize the abyss of inherent intractability that algorithm designers increasingly face as they seek to solve larger and more complex problems. A wide variety of commonly encountered prob- lems from mathematics, computer science, and operations research are now known to be NP-complete, and the collection of such problems continues to grow almost daily. Indeed, the NP-complete problems are now so pervasive that it is important for anyone concerned with the computational aspects of these fields to be familiar with the meaning and implications of this concept.
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Making Music with Computers Creative Programming in Python 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
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