凹对撞机是一个团结,使复杂和精确的碰撞检测和raycasts组件。在Unity中,网格-网格碰撞只工作,如果至少有一个网格是凸的。 凹对撞机可以自动计算一组碰撞,可以适应任何形状提供一个方法克服这一局限;凸或不。只需点击一下! 包括5个不同的示例场景。
2023-10-18 21:05:02 55B unity concave collider
Easy collider editor is designed to facilitate the creation of 3D primitive colliders. By using primitive colliders instead of mesh colliders, rigidbodies can be added to gameobjects to allow for physics interactions. This tool allows for easy addition of multiple 3D primitive colliders on gameobjects by using simple and easy to use vertex selection tools. No more painfully adding, moving, and resizing colliders. Use vertex selection to add box, sphere, capsule, and rotated box colliders to objects. Version 3.0 includes a new improved UI, automatic handling of common problems, additional capsule generation method, improved warnings to users, additional toggles for including child meshes, creating colliders as a trigger, and options for collider attachment. Minor 3.0.1 update fixes: UI for attach to: toggles changed to enums to prevent confusion. Fix for remove all colliders button not working as desired in certain situations
2023-04-11 01:26:01 295KB collid
Unity中使用该插件对不规则物体制作Collider,导入工具包后给要添加碰撞器的物体添加Concave Collider基本,点击计算即可
2023-03-29 21:36:11 3.71MB Collider
Non-Convex Mesh Collider Automatic Generator v1
2022-02-24 02:29:20 4.75MB unity插件
适用于Unity的Polygon2D编辑器 使用PolygonCollider2D对撞器为游戏对象生成网格,让您通过“编辑对撞器”按钮在Unity版本中绘制多边形平台。 只需将脚本拖到平台GameObject上,就可以了。 该脚本使用类。 安装/入门 只需并将其放置在Unity项目资产的某个位置即可。 所需的所有内容都包含在一个文件中。 通过将组件拖动到GameObject上或使用“添加组件”对话框来使用该组件。 如果不存在,它将自动添加Polygon Collider 2D组件。 在“多边形对撞机2D组件”中,单击“编辑对撞机”按钮以调整对撞机的形状。 网格物体会自动调整自身以填充碰
2022-02-13 23:51:58 173KB unity tool collider mesh-generation
unity游戏简易物体碰撞器编辑插件Easy Collider Editor 4.1 所支持的Unity版本:5.3.6或更高 (并不是所有高版全部都兼容的,具体以unity官网为准,这里的支持版本是复制unity官网的,并不准确,大家自行测试)
2021-12-16 22:41:39 808KB unity3d
2021-10-20 22:08:21 6.62MB Unity
Easy Collider Editor 4.1 By using primitive colliders instead of mesh colliders, rigidbodies can be added to gameobjects to allow for physics interactions. No more painfully adding primitive colliders and positioning and resizing them to fit each mesh. Using Easy Collider Editor you can very quickly
2021-09-09 13:55:54 808KB Unity
Need fast, accurate physics? The Technie Collider Creator lets you quickly create accurate colliders for the most awkwardly shaped objects. Simple, Intuitive Workflow Just select your object and start painting what you want your physics hull to contain. Add as many hulls to an object as you need to get the accuracy your game requires. Of course, prefabs are supported! Handles Tricky Objects Because it's entirely user driven, tricky objects are no problem. Make robust colliders for hollow objects, spindly objects, arches and other awkward shapes easily. Zero Overhead No components needed in your final game - just nice accurate colliders generated in the editor for you to handle how you want. Fully Configurable Supports convex hulls, boxes and spheres for the best fit. Then rapidly set up your colliders with physics materials and triggers. New Updates! Try out our new 'Face' feature. Create solid colliders from flat faces or triangles. Great for Quads. And just added - 'Span from Selection' and 'Generate Colliders from Selection' - intelligently and very quickly generate box colliders for multiple selected objects. Perfect for rapid collision markup in levels.
2021-07-23 09:30:53 88KB collid
Easy Collider Editor v6.0 碰撞合编辑器,最新版,可以很好的编辑随型的碰撞盒,完成精准的碰撞。是游戏开发的好帮手
2021-07-22 20:02:22 1.83MB unity