ESR1基因多态性与儿童孤独症的关联研究,王雪莱,梁爽,目的:探讨雌激素受体1(estrogen receptor alpha, ESR1)基因多态性与中国汉族儿童孤独症发病的相关性,了解ESR1与中国汉族儿童孤独症临床�
2024-03-02 11:37:29 307KB 首发论文
CBT 数据集由文字段落和相应问题构建,问答数据均来自古腾堡项目免费提供的书籍,该数据集用于直接测量语言模型、更广泛的语言环境用于问答和仿真查找。 cbt_test.txt cbtest_CN_test_2500ex.txt cbtest_CN_valid_2000ex.txt cbtest_NE_test_2500ex.txt cbtest_NE_valid_2000ex.txt cbtest_P_test_2500ex.txt cbtest_V_valid_2000ex.txt ._stats_all_CBT.txt ._stats_CN.txt ._stats_NE.txt ._stats_P.txt ._stats_V.txt stats_all_CBT.txt stats_CN.txt stats_NE.txt stats_P.txt stats_V.txt cbt_valid.txt cbt_train.txt ._BOOK_SPLIT.txt BOOK_SPLIT.txt LICENSE.txt cbtest_P_valid_2000ex.txt cbtest_V_test_2500ex.txt cbtest_CN_train.txt cbtest_V_train.txt cbtest_NE_train.txt cbtest_P_train.txt
2022-11-27 20:36:06 114.88MB 数据集
CBT 数据集由文字段落和相应问题构建,问答数据均来自古腾堡项目免费提供的书籍,该数据集用于直接测量语言模型、更广泛的语言环境用于问答和仿真查找。 CBT 数据集由 Facebook 于 2016 年发布,主要发布人有 Felix Hill、Antoine Bordes、Sumit Chopra 和 Jason Weston,相关论文有《The Goldilocks Principle: Reading Children’s Books with Explicit Memory Representations》。
2022-07-13 16:05:10 113.3MB 数据集
2022年六年级英语下册 Unit 8《International Children’s day》课件5 湘少版.ppt
2021-12-16 09:04:00 8.07MB 教学课件
2022年六年级英语下册 Unit 8《International Children’s day》课件1 湘少版.ppt
2021-12-16 09:04:00 7.33MB 教学课件
用Java 语言构造带children属性的json报文,带详细测试数据
2021-08-20 01:27:48 670KB 树状结构 Java children报文 Java后台
A visual step-by-step guide to writing code in Python. Beginners and experienced programmers can use Python to build and play computer games, from mind-bending brainteasers to crazy action games with explosive sound effects and 3-D graphics. Each chapter in Coding Games in Python shows how to construct a complete working game in simple numbered steps. The book teaches how to use freely available resources, such as PyGame Zero and Blender, to add animations, music, scrolling backgrounds, 3-D scenery, and other pieces of professional wizardry to games. After building a game, instructions show how to adapt it using secret hacks and cheat codes. Instructions are illustrated with zany Minecraft-style pixel art. Master the key concepts that programmers need to write code–not just in Python, but in all programming languages. Find out what bugs, loops, flags, strings, tuples, toggles, and turtles are. Learn how to plan and design the ultimate game–and then play it to destruction as you test and debug it. With coding theory interwoven into the instructions for building each game, learning coding is made effortless and fun.
2021-07-29 21:59:52 29.56MB Game Python DK Children
React本地人-顺序孩子 概述 一个简单的React Native组件,它允许您通过给定的prop对子元素进行重新排序。 默认情况下,它将通过道具“ order”进行排序。 可用道具 by (默认值:“ order”)-允许您定义每个子项应按其排序的键。 方向(默认值:“列”)-选择“行”或“列”以定义应按哪些方向排列视图。 style (默认值:“”)-定义额外的样式,这些样式可用于设置子项的包装器视图的样式。 例子 var Order = require ( 'react-native-order-children' ) ; var React = require ( 'react-native' ) ; var ExampleComponent = React . createClass ( { render ( ) { return ( < Ord
2021-04-30 17:03:17 3KB JavaScript
2021-03-30 21:08:11 188KB 省市区 id js json