ChartDirector C# Demo
// The data for the chart
double[] data = {5.5, 3.5, -3.7, 1.7, -1.4, 3.3};
string[] labels = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun"};
// Create a XYChart object of size 200 x 190 pixels
XYChart c = new XYChart(200, 190);
// Set the plot area at (30, 20) and of size 140 x 140 pixels
c.setPlotArea(30, 20, 140, 140);
// Configure the axis as according to the input parameter
if (img == "0") {
c.addTitle("No Axis Extension", "Arial", 8);
} else if (img == "1") {
c.addTitle("Top/Bottom Extensions = 0/0", "Arial", 8);
// Reserve 20% margin at top of plot area when auto-scaling
c.yAxis().setAutoScale(0, 0);
} else if (img == "2") {
c.addTitle("Top/Bottom Extensions = 0.2/0.2", "Arial", 8);
// Reserve 20% margin at top and bottom of plot area when auto-scaling
c.yAxis().setAutoScale(0.2, 0.2);
} else if (img == "3") {
c.addTitle("Axis Top Margin = 15", "Arial", 8);
// Reserve 15 pixels at top of plot area
} else {
c.addTitle("Manual Scale -5 to 10", "Arial", 8);
// Set the y axis to scale from -5 to 10, with ticks every 5 units
c.yAxis().setLinearScale(-5, 10, 5);
// Set the labels on the x axis
// Add a color bar layer using the given data. Use a 1 pixel 3D border for the
// bars.
c.addBarLayer3(data).setBorderColor(-1, 1);
// Output the chart
viewer.Image = c.makeWebImage(Chart.PNG);
// Include tool tip for the chart
viewer.ImageMap = c.getHTMLImageMap("", "", "title='ROI for {xLabel}: {value}%'")