2021-09-13 13:28:17 44KB cyusb qt CyAPI.lib
2021-09-12 19:54:38 142KB CYAPI.LIB
2021-08-05 14:04:40 14.1MB CyAPI.lib CYAPI 68013 cypres
CyAPI USB頭文件 (CyAPI.h Cyioctl.h devioctl.h CyAPI.lib) 含 CyAPI.pdf Programmer's Reference
2021-07-08 17:23:47 576KB CyAPI.h Cyioctl.h devioctl.h CyAPI.lib
This directory contains source code and build script for CyUSB3 WDF kernel mode USB generic driver. This driver source code is readily compliable for operating system such as Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista and XP (32 bit and 64 bit) Pre-requisite for driver source compilation For building driver for Windows 10, 8.1, 8 and 7 driver needs Visual Studio 2015 and the latest version of WDK 10. Vista and XP driver. WDK 7.1. Following projects source code is included in this package. 1. CyAPI C++ Static Library. 2. CyUSB C# DLL. Following directories are included this package. 1.CyAPI => library => cpp This directory contains CyAPI C++ Static Library source code. ReadMe.txt :Refer ReadMe.txt file for more information on CyUSB library. 2.CyUSB => library => csharp :This directory contains CyUSB C# DLL source code. ->ReadMe.txt :Refer ReadMe.txt file for more information on CyAPI library. 3.CyAPI => Application => Cpp: Streamer and bulkloop C++ application source code ->ReadMe.txt :Refer ReadMe.txt file for more information on streamer or bulkloop application. 4.ReadMe.txt
2021-06-03 13:25:05 18.82MB USB CyUSB CyUSB3 CyAPI
2021-04-12 18:33:28 926KB CyAPI.lib MinGW QT cyusb