产品简介:  SYS TEC CANopen 协议栈原代码包含了完整的功能源代码,用于实施CANopen master和slave设备。  详细介绍:  CANopen 源代码选型指南   按源代码产品名称 按应用或设备类型 按 CANopen 设备和应用规范 源代码特点比较   特点   * 支持多实例-可以在一个物理设备上实现多个CANopen逻辑设备   * 一年免费的软件维护和技术支持   * 完整的用于实施CANopen master和slave服务的库(特点比较)   * 附带完整的一系列CANopen工具   * 带有PC端工具用于配置对象字典和自动的源代码生成工具,EDS编辑器
Canfestival是符合CANopen CIA-301通讯标准的开源协议栈,canfestival支持NMT网络管理,SDO通信,PDO通信,SYNC同步功能,EMCY紧急通信功能,Heartbeat和node guarding错误控制功能。
思泰(SYSTEC)CANopen协议栈移植步骤,移植平台为TI TM4C,自己整理,如果正在开发相关产品,可供参考。
2021-09-18 16:04:55 589KB CANopen SYSTEC TM4C 思泰
In this manual are descriptions for copyrighted products which are not explicitly indicated as such. The absence of the trademark ® and copyright © symbols does not infer that a product is not protected. Additionally, registered patents and trademarks are similarly not expressly indicated in this manual The information in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, SYS TEC electronic GmbH assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies. SYS TEC electronic GmbH neither gives any guarantee nor accepts any liability whatsoever for consequential damages resulting from the use of this manual or its associated product. SYS TEC electronic GmbH reserves the right to alter the information contained herein without prior notification and accepts no responsibility for any damages which might result. Additionally, SYS TEC electronic GmbH offers no guarantee nor accepts any liability for damages arising from the improper usage or improper installation of the hardware or software. SYS TEC electronic GmbH further reserves the right to alter the layout and/or design of the hardware without prior notification and accepts no liability for doing so.  Copyright 2006 SYS TEC electronic GmbH, D-07973 Greiz/Thueringen. Rights - including those of translation, reprint, broadcast, photomechanical or similar reproduction and storage or processing in computer systems, in whole or in part - are reserved. No reproduction may occur without the express written consent from SYS TEC electronic GmbH.
2020-02-01 03:03:21 1.72MB CANopen