2021-07-24 08:31:56 8.64MB BurpLoader burpsuite_pr
国外网友基于faketime做的burp loader的unlimited版本. 需要一堆dll或者so. 详情见如下描述,没有分的可以去github上找. ======================== BurpUnlimited version 1.7.26 release 1.0 + Created by: mxcx@fosec.vn + Email: mxcxvn@gmail.com + Based on: BurpLoader by larry_lau + Github: https://github.com/mxcxvn/BurpUnlimited it's opensource ======================== This project is NOT intended to replace BurpLoader. It just EXTENDS BurpLoader's license! To run the project from the command line: java -javaagent:BurpUnlimited.jar -agentpath:lib/libfaketime -jar BurpUnlimited.jar or double click on BurpUnlimited.jar (set permision before) ## Notes: - There are some requirements files in lib at current folder: + burpsuite_pro_v1.7.26.jar is main object + libfaketime* Lib for hook time activation. Sourcecode is at https://github.com/faketime-java/faketime - For windows, vcredist is required: https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=48145 - The folder for_windows_if_you_dont_wanna_install_vcredist is for anyone who don't wana install vcredist, please chose the file for x64 or x86, rename to vcruntime140.dll and copy to BurpUnlimited.jar's folder - To have no unexpected error, please leave all file in the folders which have not any space character (including java binary file in case not run with default java). - This version is tested run stable on MACOSX 64 bit, Ubuntu 64 bit, Windows 64 and 32 bit. If you have any error in starting, please try some ways: + Change manually your datetime to before 01/10/2017 + Build your own libfaketime, sourcecode is at https://github.com/faketime-java/faketime + Or contact me mxcxvn@gmail.com ## Hash MD5 version release 1 BurpUnlimited.jar 5cf68ad0cc2d4ee265d0da1469decf21 lib/ burpsuite_pro_v1.7.26.jar 5d1cbbebc7fb59a399ae7bcacbe05f74 libfaketime32.dll e3842711a065b672dec322c4140b950f libfaketime32.jnilib d2b62d06a972035149bfdefe1605c041 libfaketime32.so 5c2baa272037207533d74faa4291e91d libfaketime64.dll 6659efeee9698
2021-07-13 12:44:40 25.67MB burp suite1.7.26 burploader