加速度计-生物识别 通过加速度计数据识别移动设备的用户(kaggle上的“加速度计生物识别竞赛”) “ CS 725:机器学习基础”的课程项目 #Description:您可以在找到问题陈述的描述 #如何运行代码: 假设:您将train.csv和test.csv与其他项目文件放在同一文件夹中 运行device_count.py 运行extractMeanVar.py 运行trimmingdata.py 现在,您可以执行任何分类器代码。 只需在同一文件夹中查找所需文件即可。 #我们的方法我们设计了以下解决问题的方法: 朴素贝叶斯 最近的邻居 二次判别分析(类似于LDA) 支持向量机 #与每种方法相关的文件: 1]朴素贝叶斯 1. extractMeanVar.py 2. naive_bayes.py 3. naive_bayes_Random.py 2]最近的邻居 1. t
Windows生物识别框架指纹打印示例 一个简单的WBF示例,它捕获指纹样本并将其保存到数据文件夹中。 使用管理员权限构建项目。
2022-05-10 16:13:21 31KB fingerprint wbf C++
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生物识别技术是一个新兴的技术领域,它使用独特且可测量的物理、生物或行为特征,可以对其进行处理以识别一个人。 人类的生物特征是指纹、虹膜、面部和声音。 生物识别技术的简明定义是“使用不同特征自动识别人”。 语音是生物特征之一,它是作为声音序列产生的。 声带的振动,以及各种咬合器(如舌头、嘴唇和牙齿)的位置、形状和大小都会产生所产生的声音。声音的特征因人而异,可以用于识别个人。 虽然通常认为不如其他类型的生物识别系统准确,但语音识别系统可以与其他生物识别系统结合使用,以创建更强大的识别系统说话人识别主要涉及特征提取和特征匹配两个模块。 特征提取是从说话者的语音信号中提取少量数据的过程,这些数据稍后可以用来代表该说话者。 特征匹配涉及通过将从他/她的语音输入中提取的特征与已经存储在我们的语音数据库中的特征进行比较来识别未知说话者的实际过程。 在特征提取中,我们找到梅尔频率倒谱系数 (MFCC),
2021-07-05 15:39:23 1.18MB matlab
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Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing: Presentation Attack Detection (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) ISBN-10 书号: 3319926268 ISBN-13 书号: 9783319926261 Edition 版本: 2nd ed. 2019 出版日期: 2019-01-02 pages 页数: (519 ) $149.99 This authoritative and comprehensive handbook is the definitive work on the current state of the art of Biometric Presentation Attack Detection (PAD) – also known as Biometric Anti-Spoofing. Building on the success of the previous, pioneering edition, this thoroughly updated second edition has been considerably expanded to provide even greater coverage of PAD methods, spanning biometrics systems based on face, fingerprint, iris, voice, vein, and signature recognition. New material is also included on major PAD competitions, important databases for research, and on the impact of recent international legislation. Valuable insights are supplied by a selection of leading experts in the field, complete with results from reproducible research, supported by source code and further information available at an associated website. Topics and features: reviews the latest developments in PAD for fingerprint biometrics, covering optical coherence tomography (OCT) technology, and issues of interoperability; examines methods for PAD in iris recognition systems, and the application of stimulated pupillary light reflex for this purpose; discusses advancements in PAD methods for face recognition-based biometrics, such as research on 3D facial masks and remote photoplethysmography (rPPG); presents a survey of PAD for automatic speaker recognition (ASV), including the use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and an overview of relevant databases; describes the results yielded by key competitions on fingerprint liveness detection, iris liveness detection, and software-based face anti-spoofing; provides analyses of PAD in fingervein recognition, online handwritten signature verification, and in biometric technologies on mobile devicesincludes covera
2020-01-03 11:40:45 15.26MB Security