本文旨在利用Volterra级数理论建立射频器件的行为模型。当考虑周期输入信号时,Volterra级数将呈现离散形式。 本文采用五阶非线性系统来推导Volterra级数展开式,该展开式可以表示频域中的直流项和谐波分量。 仿真表明,这种行为建模方法的性能良好,尤其是在使用更高阶的Volterra级数展开式时。 我们还得出结论,本文给出的方法对于小信号和大信号均有效。
2023-10-24 21:00:26 135KB Volterra series; behavioral model;
[进入当今世界是高频数据驱动的,其特征是信息技术的应用和使用,以促进更好的业务发展和决策。 股票市场的价格变动主要受各个经济体的微观和宏观经济变量、法律框架和税收政策的影响。 问题的关键在于根据历史或过去的价格准确预测单个公司未来的股价走势。 由于股票市场随机行为的盛行和股价的波动,实现预测市场趋势的准确性变得困难。 本文使用集成机器学习方法分析了 NSE-Nifty 波动最大的 50 只公司股票(就市值而言)的运动模式的随机性。 研究结果将帮助投资者做出理性和明智的投资决策,通过投资于最有价值的股票来优化股票回报。
2022-03-21 22:37:34 2.95MB Behavioral finance; Business intelligence;
行为克隆 使用提供的模拟器,神经网络可用于克隆给定用户的驾驶行为。 概述 使用模拟器,我们可以记录行驶中的汽车的转向角和速度。 模拟器中的汽车具有三个摄像头:左,中和右。 此设置类似于Nvidia发表的论文《 使用的设置 基本思想是将三个摄像机的图像特征映射到适当的转向角。 然后将转向角逐帧发送到模拟器。 安装与运行 我使用的模拟器由Udacity提供(单击以安装模拟器)。 您可以从模拟器记录自己的数据,也可以从Udacity下载提供的数据集。 安装模拟器后,您还必须安装一些依赖项(这样做很麻烦)。 我提供了一个.yml文件(conda环境),这样您就不必麻烦地逐个安装每个软件包。 我已经在Mac上进行了开发,但是在Windows或Linux上使用.yml文件应该不是问题。 conda env create - f env . yml 我已经上传了一些模型权重,您可以立即使用。 为了
2021-12-23 15:29:55 75.85MB Python
Thoroughly revised to reflect the latest advances in treatment and research, this volume is the most comprehensive, current clinical reference on psychiatric symptoms associated with movement disorders. This edition's expanded section on Parkinson's disease includes new chapters on anxiety disorders; sleep disorders, sexual dysfunction, apathy, and other neuropsychiatric complications; behavioral side effects of newer medications; and behavioral changes following deep brain stimulation and ablative surgery. Also included is a chapter discussing Parkinson's disease as a model for psychosocial issues in chronic neurodegenerative disease. Other new chapters cover behavioral concomitants of ataxias, essential tremor, dystonias, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders.,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-12-07 11:05:01 2.39MB 英文
RF Power Amplifier Behavioral Modeling
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Big four Behavioral Questions 21个四大面试来来回回问被问的问题
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Behavioral GCD in Verilog,用于对两个数求最大公约数
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非常不错的游戏开发ai技术方面的书籍,国内这方面很缺乏的资料, 对游戏开发很有帮助
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This is the first definitive introduction to behavioral economics aimed at advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students. Authoritative, cutting edge, yet accessible, it guides the reader through theory and evidence, providing engaging and relevant applications throughout. It is divided into nine parts and 24 chapters: Part I is on behavioral economics of risk, uncertainty, and ambiguity. The evidence against expected utility theory is examined, and the behavioral response is outlined; the best empirically supported theory is prospect theory. Part II considers other-regarding preferences. The evidence from experimental games on human sociality is given, followed by models and applications of inequity aversion, intentions based reciprocity, conditional cooperation, human virtues, and social identity. Part III is on time discounting. It considers the evidence against the exponential discounted utility model and describes several behavioral models such as hyperbolic discounting, attribute based models and the reference time theory. Part IV describes the evidence on classical game theory and considers several models of behavioral game theory, including level-k and cognitive hierarchy models, quantal response equilibrium, and psychological game theory. Part V considers behavioral models of learning that include evolutionary game theory, classical models of learning, experience weighted attraction model, learning direction theory, and stochastic social dynamics. Part VI studies the role of emotions; among other topics it considers projection bias, temptation preferences, happiness economics, and interaction between emotions and cognition. Part VII considers bounded rationality. The three main topics considered are judgment heuristics and biases, mental accounting, and behavioral finance. Part VIII considers behavioral welfare economics; the main topics are soft paternalism, and choice-based measures of welfare. Finally, Part IX gives an abbreviated tast
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Understanding Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences
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