BCM5389 linux\drivers\net\dsa\b53代码参考手册,方便移植b53驱动
2022-08-26 19:03:52 1.53MB 博通 BCM b53
BCM5389千兆交换机芯片技术手册,The BCM5389 is an 8-port gigabit switch integrated with eight 1.25 Gbps SerDes/SGMII port interfaces for connecting to external gigabit PHYs or fiber modules. The BCM5389 provides the lowest-cost Gigabit Ethernet-tothe- desktop swi tching solution or WebSmart™ application.
2022-07-13 14:52:11 1.68MB 交换机 硬件开发
BCM 5389 data sheet,关于BCM 5389 Switch 芯片的手册
2021-08-31 15:47:29 1.67MB BCM 5389 博通
BCM5396 and BCM5389/BCM5387 Design Guidelines, 文档编号:538X_5396-AN105-R。538X_5396-AN102-R 04/24/06 Updated。文档页数68页。千兆以太网交换芯片的设计手册,硬件设计必备。
2019-12-21 19:32:02 2.53MB BCM5396 BCM5389 BCM5387 千兆以太网