matlab浅黄色代码自动驾驶汽车 -->Autonomous Car 专为自动驾驶而设计,始终具有先进的驾驶感应控制,可感应不同的黑白车后灯和交通灯(红色)。它还可以感应所有类型的标志牌指示和车道检测。 它仍在进行中! 目录 一般信息 在这个项目中,MATLAB 被用作图像处理工具来检测道路上的车道。 以下技术用于车道检测。 • 颜色掩蔽 • Canny 边缘检测 • Gamma 校正 • 感兴趣区域选择 • 霍夫变换线检测 软件 --> Matlab RA 2018 设置_使用 --> 图像预处理第一步是导入视频文件并初始化代码中要使用的变量。 一些变量也从 .mat 文件中导入以在代码中使用。 --> 一帧一帧 首先读取帧并使用高斯滤波器对其进行过滤。 --> 用白色和黄色遮蔽图像 框架用黄色和白色遮蔽以完美检测车道线。 黄色面具 白色面具 --> 边缘检测 在本节中,边缘是从蒙版图像中获得的,而忽略了面积较小的封闭边缘。 --> 感兴趣区域的提取 按照项目 1 实施流程中的指导,使用 'roipoly' 函数并从帧中选择点来提取感兴趣区域。 --> 霍夫变换 在本节中,我使用了
2021-11-28 15:00:47 31.93MB 系统开源
自动驾驶(无人驾驶)论文合集,共100多篇。 arch A functional architecture for autonomous driving A functional reference architecture for autonomous driving A Standard Driven Software Architecture for Fully_Autonomous Vehicles CAAD_ Computer Architecture for Autonomous Driving The Architectural Implications of Autonomous Driving-Constraints and Acceleration Towards a Functional System Architecture for_Automated Vehicles ASSESSMENT Driving Style Recognition for Intelligent __Vehicle Control and Advanced Driver Assistance_ A Survey Integrating Driving Behavior and Traffic Context__through Signal Symbolization for Data Reduction_and Risky Lane Change Detection endtoend ALVINN_ __AN AUTONOMOUS LAND VEHICLE IN A _NEURAL NETWORK End to End Learning for Self-Driving Cars hardware AutonomousCar-ASPLOS18 hdmap Highiy Efficient HD Map Creation_ __Acceierating Mapping Process with GPUs HMI How can humans understand their automated cars_ HMI principles, __problems and solutions Human-Machine Interaction for__Vehicles_ Review and Outlook localization Accurate Odometry and Error Modelling for a Mobile Robot Autonomous Vehicle Navigation in Rural Environments without Detailed_ Prior Maps High Speed Navigation of Unrehearsed Terrain___Red Team Technology for Grand Challenge 2004 Localization in highly dynamic environments__using dual-timescale NDT-MCL Map-Based Precision Vehicle Localization_in Urban Environments Road Marking Detection Using LIDAR Reflective Intensity Data and its__Application to Vehicle Localization survey A Survey of the State-of-the-Art Localisation __Techniques and Their Potentials for Autonomous _Vehicle Applications Simultaneous Localization And Mapping_ A Survey of_Current Trends in Autonomous Driving network Information-Centric Networking for __Connected Vehicles___A Survey and Future Perspectives Internet of Vehicles_ From Intelligent Grid to__Autonomous Cars and Vehicular Clouds Internet of Vehicles_ From intelligent__grid to autonomous cars and_vehicular fogs
2021-09-10 15:05:19 472.64MB 自动驾驶 AutonomousCar 论文资料