Delphi 2007 或2009 在Windows 7 x64 以及其他x64 系统下,退出IDE 时,调试器会产生一个断言错误。 \ 错误窗口标题为:bds.exe –bordbk120N.dll,内容为:Assertion failure: “(!”SetThreadContext failed”)”in ..\win32src\thread32.cpp at line 434。
2024-03-20 11:39:04 741B Assertion failure:
bds exe bordbk105N dll Assertion failure: " "SetThreadContext failed" " in win32src thread32 cpp at line 412 Continue execution ..
2023-04-19 11:01:53 169KB delphi
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2023-01-04 11:51:20 470.76MB asic
Assertion-based IP. The design of systems in the 21st century is necessarily one of decomposition of product requirements into functional subsystems. Often these subsystems are implemented with a mix of commercial and in-house design IP. In order to fit into a modern design flow, each design IP should be accompanied by a verification IP (VIP) and a verification plan IP (VPIP). If an electronic system level (ESL) design flow is employed, the VIP and VPIP are employed twice in the flow: during post-partitioning verification and implementation verification. In post-partitioning verification, the behavior of the abstract hardware and software models is demonstrated to conform to their functional specifications. During implementation verification, the behavior of the RTL and embedded production software is demonstrated to conform with the behavior of their corresponding abstract models, as well as with implementation requirements captured in design specifications. Hence, the role of VIP and VPIP is becoming increasingly important, requiring rigorous development processes. Verification IP is available across
2022-06-30 22:56:51 2.81MB Assertion Based IP
Debug Assertion Failed!
2022-03-20 00:08:38 266B Debug Assertion Failed!
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (!empty()) in cv::CascadeClassifier::detectMultiScale, file C:\build\master_winpack-bindings-win64-vc14-static\opencv\modules\objdetect\src\cascadedetect.cpp, line 1681 Exception in thread “Thread-2” CvException [org.opencv.core.CvException: cv::Exception: C:\build\mas
2022-01-21 18:44:51 19KB al AS asc
2021-12-25 17:09:38 57KB 测试框架 nunit assertion 断言
一份非常好的 SVA 资料,详细介绍怎样写出好的 assertion。资料的最后部分以 sync_fifo 为例子,详细介绍了 assertion 的写法
2021-12-15 22:50:11 134KB SVA verification assertion
delphi 2007/2009 在64位操作系统下调试结束时报 Assertion failure: "(!"SetThreadContext failed")"问题的补丁,下载后解压缩,然后运行,点击"Apply Path"就可以啦. Delphi_2007_2009_WOW64_Debugger_Fix
2021-11-04 10:57:18 169KB delphi2007 Win7 调试报错 Assertion
Eduard Cerny, Surrendra Dudani, John Havlicek, Dmitry Korchemny (auth.) - SVA_ The Power of Assertions in SystemVerilog-Springer International Publishing (2015)
2021-10-31 13:01:47 5.89MB systemverilo Assertion