本书为第三版的相控阵天线手册,作者为Robert J Mailloux。该书详细介绍了相控阵天线的原理、设计和应用,包括天线阵列的基本概念、阵列元件的选择和布局、阵列的辐射特性和性能评估等方面。此外,本书还介绍了相控阵天线在雷达、通信、无线电导航和卫星通信等领域的应用,并提供了一些实际的案例分析。该书适合从事天线设计和应用的工程师、研究人员和学生参考。
2023-08-06 19:16:23 13.55MB
2023-03-02 20:59:29 7.15MB Test 软件测试
This book provides an overview and introduction to signal detection and estimation. The book contains numerous examples solved in detail. Since some material on signal detection could be very complex and require a lot of background in engineering math, a chapter and various sections to cover such background are included, so that one can easily understand the intended material. Probability theory and stochastic processes are prerequisites to the fundamentals of signal detection and parameter estimation. Consequently, Chapters 1, 2, and 3 carefully cover these topics. Chapter 2 covers the different distributions that may arise in radar and communication systems. The chapter is presented in such a way that one may not need to use other references. Since the material is essential in many applications of radar, communications, and signal processing, this book can be used as a reference by practicing engineers and physicists. The detailed examples and the problems presented at the end of each chapter make this book suitable for self-study and facilitate teaching a class.
2022-03-04 14:30:37 9.32MB signal detection estimation
非线性微波和射频电路(第2版) 英文版 英文名:Artech.House.Nonlinear.Microwave.And.RF.Circuits.2nd.Edition.eBook-LiB.pdf
Phased.Array.Antenna.Handbook。相控阵天线手册。artech house出版社。
2021-09-27 17:19:07 7.5MB Phased Array Antenna
我的WCF之旅- 创建一个简单的WCF程序 - Artech WCF入门之选绝佳的例子 代源源于:《WCF全面解析 上》 编程工具:VS2010 语言:C# blog 《IIS站点中部署 WCF项目》
2021-06-22 16:42:58 101KB WCF 分布式计算 Artech 计算器
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Artech House - Digital Processing Of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Algorithms And Imp
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2019-12-21 20:09:27 33.16MB digital beamforming MIMO John