This book is supposed to teach you methods of numerical computing that are practical, efficient, and (insofar as possible) elegant. We presume throughout this book that you, the reader, have particular tasks that you want to get done. We view our job as educating you on how to proceed. Occasionally we may try to reroute you briefly onto a particularly beautiful side road; but by and large, we will guide you along main highways that lead to practical destinations.
2023-03-01 00:23:43 20.55MB Linear Algeb Interpolatio Integration
Linear Algebra, second edition,KENNETH HOFFMAN Professor of Mathematics Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2021-12-04 16:02:24 20.06MB Linear Algeb
Gilbert Strang写的第4版Introduction to Linear Algebra,而且全书是彩色的,例子中的矩阵会用不同的颜色,要点也有不同颜色
2021-12-03 20:41:40 123.77MB 线性代数 linear algeb Gilbert
Covers determinants, linear spaces, systems of linear equations, linear functions of a vector argument, coordinate transformations, the canonical form of the matrix of a linear operator, bilinear and quadratic forms, Euclidean spaces, unitary spaces, quadratic forms in Euclidean and unitary spaces, finite-dimensional space. Problems with hints and answers.
2021-10-27 11:46:59 10.07MB Linear Algeb
Hundreds of coll
2021-10-08 13:00:58 60.94MB Mathmatics Linear Algeb
This top-selling, theorem-proof book presents a careful treatment of the principle topics of linear algebra, and illustrates the power of the subject through a variety of applications. It emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between linear transformations and matrices, but states theorems in the more general infinite-dimensional case where appropriate. Chapter topics cover vector spaces, linear transformations and matrices, elementary matrix operations and systems of linear equations, determinants, diagonalization, inner product spaces, and canonical forms. For statisticians and engineers.
2021-10-05 14:30:43 3.42MB linear algeb
2021-08-28 15:11:55 227.55MB Linear Algeb
MIT的线性代数公开课,Gilbert Strong 老爷子的课程资料。包含讲稿,习题等等资料。个人觉得讲的很好,对于矩阵分析基础不好的同学可以多看多学一点
2020-02-04 03:02:13 19.28MB linear algeb 线性代数