AP6256是正基2017年推出的一款单通道单通道802.11a/b/g/n/ac的WIFI+BT5.0模块,也是最先一批应用蓝牙5.0标准的一批模块,AP6256采用SDIO3.0接口进行WIFI功能的通信,UART及PCM接口做为蓝牙功能的通信 AP6256对比之前老模块AP6255,主要在蓝牙标准上的支持做了更新,原先AP6255仅支持到BT4.2标准,AP6256支持到BT5.0标准
2022-03-10 17:08:37 1.57MB AP6256 datasheet AP6256
2021-12-24 16:53:48 7.73MB AP6256 AP6256驱动 AP6256固件
AP6256_datasheet ver1.3_20200331 sparklan公司出的英文数据手册
2021-11-30 23:13:26 1.72MB AP6256
包含了AP6255和6256的固件,fw_bcm43455c0_ag.bin fw_bcm43455c0_ag_apsta.bin nvram_ap6255.txt对应6255 fw_bcm43456c5_ag.bin fw_bcm43456c5_ag_apsta.bin nvram_ap6256.txt 对应6256 以及android和linux下wifi和bt自动兼容的文档
2021-08-12 16:57:37 2.08MB AP6255 AP6256 固件 版本兼容
AMPAK正基WIFI模块资料,双频WIFI模组AP6256 datasheet详细资料,包含产品设计参考,更多详细咨询咨询深圳市世联芯科技有限公司!
AMPAK Technology would like to announce a low-cost and low-power consumption module which has all of the Wi-Fi, Bluetooth functionalities. The highly integrated module makes the possibilities of web browsing, VoIP, Bluetooth headsets applications. With seamless roaming capabilities and advanced security, also could interact with different vendors’ 802.11a/b/g/n/ ac Access Points in the wireless LAN. The wireless module complies with IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac standard and it can achieve up to a speed of 433.3Mbps with single stream in 802.11ac draft to connect to the wireless LAN. The integrated module provides SDIO interface for Wi-Fi, UART / PCM interface for Bluetooth
2021-05-24 12:00:37 1.46MB AP6256 datasheet