汽车以太网联盟OPEN的 TC1 100BASE-T1 PMA Spec.
2022-09-04 16:19:51 1.36MB 技术标准 汽车以太网
G3-PLC Alliance - G3-PLC Specifications - CENELEC - ARIB - FCC
2022-07-23 17:04:57 2.78MB G3 PLC
Wi-Fi_Alliance_Capabilities_Specification_v1.0 WiFi 联盟官方文档
2022-05-31 09:00:54 211KB wifi
Wi-Fi_Alliance_Technical_Note_Miracast_in_6_GHz_v1.0.pdf wifi联盟官方文档
2022-05-31 09:00:45 123KB wifi miracast
MIPI Alliance Specification for RF Front-End Control Interface (RFFE), v1.10
2022-02-21 13:13:52 450KB MIPI RFFE
MIPI 规范 2.0 标准文档 (Version 1.0 – MIPI Board Adopted 14 January 2016) 1.1 Scope Interface protocols as well as a description of signal timing relationships are within the scope of this document. Electrical specifications and physical specifications are out of scope for this document. In addition, legacy interfaces such as DPI-2 and DBI-2 are also out of scope for this document. Furthermore, device usage of auxiliary buses such as I2C or SPI, while not precluded by this Specification, are also not within its scope. 1.2 Purpose The Display Serial Interface Specification defines a high-speed serial interface between a peripheral, such as an active-matrix display module, and a host processor in a mobile device. By standardizing this interface, components may be developed that provide higher performance, lower power, less EMI and fewer pins than current devices, while maintaining compatibility across products from multiple vendors.
2022-01-25 11:23:57 1.6MB MIPI DSI STANDARD SPEC
MIPI Alliance Standard for Display Pixel Interface (DPI-2), version 2.00, MIPI Alliance, Inc., 15 September 2005
2021-12-29 15:56:13 289KB MIPI DPI-2 V2.00
MIPI Alliance Specification for Camera Serial Interface 2 (CSI-2) Version 1.01.00 Revision 0.04 – 2 April 2009 Further
2021-12-23 15:06:26 2.57MB MIPI CSI
Open Alliance 发布的TC8测试规范,本文是由思博伦、罗德施瓦茨以及Technica Engineering提供的整体解决方案;包括物理层PMA测试,IOP测试以及协议层一致性测试;
2021-11-05 17:20:52 4.21MB TC8 Open Allianc IOP
MIPI ® Alliance Specification for RF Front-End Control Interface Version 1.10 – 26 July 2011 MIPI Board Approved 2-Nov-2011
2021-09-29 12:19:56 452KB MIPI RFFE