ADIS16405实验3 发送信号到匿名四轴客户端 测试基于STM32的ADIS16405评估板,并在匿名四轴上实时显示3轴陀螺仪+3轴加速度计+3轴磁力计 波形
2022-01-13 10:33:14 9.4MB ADIS16405 IMU 惯性单元 ADIS16365
采用ADIS16405集成IMU组件实现惯性导航,该IMU组件包含了磁传感器,示例程序给出了数据采集代码。集成电路介绍:The ADIS16405 iSensor® product is a complete inertial system that includes a triaxal gyroscope, a triaxial accelerometer, and a triaxial magnetometer. The ADIS16405 combines the Analog Devices, Inc., proprietary iMEMS® technology with signal conditioning that optimizes dynamic performance. The factory calibration characterizes each sensor for sensitivity, bias, alignment, and linear acceleration (gyroscope bias). As a result, each sensor has its own dynamic compensation for correction formulas that provide accurate sensor measurements over a temperature range of −40°C to +85°C. The magnetometers employ a self correction function to provide accurate bias performance over temperature as well.
2019-12-21 21:16:31 781KB 惯性导航 陀螺仪 加速度计 磁传感器