Gradle团队很兴奋地宣布Gradle 8.6。 此版本支持自定义加密密钥为了配置缓存,对进行了多项改进构建初始化,并已更新构建创作API。
2024-04-19 23:35:17 209.99MB gradle
LabVIEW database connectivity toolkit 适用于labview 8.6版本,同时含有破解器
2024-01-11 18:52:46 29MB database connectivity toolkit
label matrix 8.0 8.6 8.7破解文件 直接复制在程序包里面替换掉就又可以
2024-01-11 14:39:45 6.28MB label matrix
emv software for computers
2023-12-16 05:15:13 1.05MB
支持流水号码打印完后修改起始数据的功能; 可以设置单个图形的锁定密码以免除误操作; 支持文字、条码与图象混排,使用简单,有多种辅助线方案可选; 数据源支持自定义连接连接多种数据库,实现有效的批量打印; 条码辅助输入与批量编制具有校验码自动生成与校验功能; 支持根据数据库字段里设置的数量值来生成打印对应数量的标签; 支持标签模板管理,方便用户管理标签文件; 支持页眉、页脚打印,可以指定文字、图形、多个图形文件作为页眉; 支持数值大小写转换、保留小数点位数,数值转金额等一系列功能; 支持打印边框、内裁切线、外裁切线、裁切点等一系列功能来辅助标签成品的裁切; 您可以设置自己喜欢的软件环境与标尺颜色; 支持标签保存文件里添加标签信息及设置打开标签密码; 可以设置条码标签只能打印不能修改的操作权限; 支持整个标签批量输出为高分辨率位图功能,用于制版印刷或喷码机喷印; 支持流水号文本《10进制、16进制、26进制、32进制、36进制、34进制与自定义进制》; 支持流水条码批量打印《10进制、16进制、26进制、32进制、36进制、34进制与自定义进制》; 提供SDK二次开发包,将标签中的文字、图片与条码设置为变量,可以被其它软件调用打印。 支持日期、时间文本,打印标签时按当前时间打印,并有延后功能,例如实现同时打印生产日期与保质日期; 支持条码导出为EMF矢量图形格式,方便导入CorelDraw、Illustrator等软件中排版使用,常用于出菲林与印刷; 所见即所得的可视化设计模式,支持画的图形:文字、图片、条码、直线、曲线、矩形、填充矩形、菱形、多边形等;
2023-11-20 11:55:28 75B labelmatrix 条码标签
2023-09-12 18:39:55 82.48MB 软件/插件
升级时,只需使用如下3个包即可 openssh-clients-9.3p1-1.el8.bclinux.x86_64 openssh-9.3p1-1.el8.bclinux.x86_64 openssh-server-9.3p1-1.el8.bclinux.x86_64 升级方法: 备份文件:cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.20230508 升级rpm包:dnf install ./*.rpm 修改权限:chmod 0600 /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key 重启sshd服务:systemctl restart sshd
2023-07-27 08:50:14 5.92MB ssh openssh
MyEclipse For Spring 8.6
2023-04-26 14:55:45 50MB MyEclipse
Mark L. Murphy, "The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development, Version 8.6" English | June 2017 | ISBN: 0981678009 | 4545 pages | PDF | 79.63 MB The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development for Android Studio 2.2, covering the Android SDK through 7.1. Do you want current information about how to develop Android apps? This book covers the latest Android Studio version and the latest version of Android, plus all the information you need to get your apps working on older devices. This book contains over 200 chapters, covering everything from the first steps in getting an app going to advanced development techniques. The core chapters — representing ~900 pages — are set up as a typical programming guide, covering the basics of getting an Android app up and running. The book includes material on setting up your development tools, constructing a user interface, loading data from a local database or the Internet, handling the differences between phones and tablets, and much more. The core chapters also include an integrated set of 18 tutorials, offering you step-by-step guides for creating an Android application from scratch. Hence, whether you "learn by reading" or "learn by doing", you have the material in the core chapters to accomplish your goal. The rest of the book comprises the trails. These are linked sets of chapters covering advanced topics, organized by theme. However, while the core chapters are designed to be read in sequence, the trails are designed to be read on an as-needed basis, when you want to dive into those specific topics.
2023-04-13 01:13:16 79.63MB Android
在Qt4.8.6下,学习使用QtCharts进行绘图的实例教程资源,抛砖引玉仅供参考。作者在Visual Studio210开发工具编写的实例,有二进制编译程序,也有提供了完整的实例源码,同时也有QtCharts在4.8.6下的32位开发库
2023-02-17 16:32:09 46.9MB QtCharts Qt4.8.6 C++