3DR uBlox LEA-6H高性能接收器直接兼容APM 飞控。6H模块自带Flash和温补,搜星速度及精度优于6M。6H GPS 配套圆形外壳和支撑,接口线默认APM式样。带罗盘6H 式样,出线端子直接兼容APM串口和I2C端口,即插即用出厂 波特率 38400,刷新率5hzAPM 3DR GPS导航模块电路设计中涉及到重要芯片包括UBLOX-LEA-6、HMC5883L、TPS79133DBV等。APM 飞控3DR uBlox LEA-6H导航模块实物截图: APM 3DR GPS导航模块特性如下: ublox LEA-6H module 5 Hz update rate 25 x 25 x 4 mm ceramic patch antenna LNA and SAW filter Rechargeable 3V lithium backup battery Low noise 3.3V regulator I2C EEPROM for configuration storage Power and fix indicator LEDs Protective case ArduPilot Mega compatible 6-pin JST connector Exposed RX, TX, 5V and GND pad 38 x 38 x 8.5 mm total size, 16.8 grams. APM 3DR GPS导航模块电路 PCB截图:
2021-10-26 16:55:25 2.12MB apm 6h模块 电路方案