multi_robot_sim 凉亭上的多机器人(TurtleBot)系统的3D模拟 这是为了动力学。 如何使用 此程序包取决于以下程序包: sudo apt install ros-kinetic-turtlebot* sudo apt install ros-kinetic-joy* 要启动该程序包: roslaunch multi_robot_sim robots_gazebo_rviz.launch 如果要更改世界或地图: roslaunch multi_robot_sim robots_gazebo_rviz.launch world_file:=/ map_file:=/map_name.yaml
2023-04-05 15:01:47 43KB ros gazebo turtlebot 3d-simulation
robocup_3d_simulation Gazebo 和基于 ROS 的 robocup_3d_simulation 的存储库。 先决条件 我们需要 Ubuntu Precise 或 Ubuntu Trusty。 一线安装(推荐) 以下行将下载一个脚本,该脚本将在您的机器中安装一个名为 ros-{$DISTRO}-robocup3d 的包。 它还将安装所需的依赖项,包括包含 Nao 网格的包。 wget -O /tmp/; sudo sh /tmp/ 如果每次启动新 shell 时将环境变量自动添加到 bash 会话中,这会很方便。 对于 ROS Hydro
2022-05-11 17:33:59 1.99MB C++
The purpose of this tutorial is to simulate a realistic industrial pulverized-coal furnace and compare the results with the measured data. Prerequisites This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the FLUENT interface and have a good understanding of the basic setup and solution procedures. Some steps will not be shown explicitly. This tutorial uses the mixture fraction/PDF model with the k-epsilon turbulence model and P-1 radiation model. If you have not used these models before, it would be helpful to refer to the FLUENT 6.2 Tutorial Guide.
2022-01-06 11:21:49 440KB Fluent pulverized-coal